Not entirely #shitwhite — intro to my Hong Kong mini guide

A mini guide to Hong Kong living (EPISODE I)

the Bianci book
2 min readJun 12, 2016

Helloooo Medium! This is my first ever post. And it is about Hong Kong. I just spent a year living in this amazing city and I loved it. Hong Kong is wild… and innocent… metropolitan… and small… it’s so much in one… it’s an urban jungle… surrounded by real jungle… it’s shitwhite and so Asian… it’s… the best. I want to share with you some of the reasons I love Hong Kong: the places to go, the things to do.

This is Episode I of my mini guide to Hong Kong and it starts with a definition.

shitwhite = [ADJECTIVE] frequented almost exclusively by white (Western, i.e. non-Asian) people. Applies to bars and restaurants mainly.

This mini guide is intended to be non-shitwhite, yet it will inevitably include a lot of shitwhite places. That is because it is written by an expat (myself) or what Hongkongers call a Gweilo, i.e. a Westerner. Nevertheless, this city is where East meets West, or where shitwhite meats non-shitwhite, and hopefully this is also what my list of favourites reflects.

In the next couple of episodes I’ll share with you some of that mix. Ranging from places for brunch or yum cha (my favourites: 18 Grams in Causeway Bay, Cafe Deadend on Po Hing Fong, or of course Dim Sum at Lin Heung Teahouse), to the best Hong Kong hikes (including some of HK’s most splendid beaches if you walk Maclehose trail Section 2), to my absolute favourite eateries (Chom Chom Vietnamese party place, Underbridge Spicy Crab, this little Izakaya in Causeway Bay 深宵食堂 and many more) to some things you never knew Hong Kong had (the best morning wakeboarding at Tai Tam Tuk, or a hidden fisher village with out-of-this-world crab at Po Toi O). Cannot wait to post it all la

Check out all the Hong Kong posts:

Episode I: not entirely #shitwhite (the one you’re on)

Episode II: 6 Hong Kong trails to not miss

Episode III: Hong Kong eateries: the top picks

Episode IV: Living it up in Hong Kong bars & clubs

Episode V: 10 things you cannot not do when in Hong Kong



the Bianci book

Hi, I’m Bianci. And this is my little book of wonders. A selection of my favourite places and things to do in the wonderful cities I’ve lived in.