Step Into the Unknown

Unveiling the Secrets: Why It’s OK to Venture Alone Where Few Dare to Tread

Do You Like Spooky Places? Discover the Mysteries of Haunted Statues in the Woods

B.W. Bibi
4 min readMar 1, 2024

I was walking along the familiar path, but this time I decided to go through a small wood atop a nearby hill.

Intrigued by the prospect of discovering something new, I followed the winding trail.

My footsteps echoed softly in the quiet of the forest.

Photo by Axel Holen on Unsplash

Soon, I encountered a scene straight out of a forgotten tale.

Numerous statues lined my way up the hill

Statue — Authors Images

Their old shapes threw spooky shadows among the trees.

With every step, I felt a mix of excitement and wonder.

Statue — Authors Images

I lost my sense of time as I was absorbed in the incredible discovery.

Statue — Authors Images

I walked further, even as darkness enveloped the surroundings.

Statue — Authors Images


Imagine this with the incredible discovery:

There it was, the towering statue of Jesus in front of me!

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Energized by this remarkable encounter, I continued along the circular path.

Curiosity drove me forward.

On the other side awaited another intriguing sight:

A cave, nestled among the ancient trees

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The entire place felt like it was from another time, yet it held my attention.

It was my first time to be there and didn’t know what to think, what was that place, why were those sculptures there…

Then, I started to investigate…

The Annaberg region is located in the beautiful southern foothills of Hohe Mark, southwest of Haltern am See, within the Berghaltern farming community.

Annaberg — Authors Image

Evidence of early human settlement in this area abounds, like artifacts dating back to the Neolithic Age (approximately 2000 years before the start of our era).

During the A43 motorway construction in 1978, archaeologists discovered a trove of urns and late Bronze Age graves.

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As part of their expansion efforts, the Romans arrived in the region between 11 BC and 16 AD from the left bank of the Rhine.

Tracing the path of the Lippe River, they reached the Annaberg near Haltern am See.

Haltern am See — Authors Image

Between 1838 and 1848, extensive historical research was conducted, leading to the discovery of a Roman fort on the Annaberg.

The Annaberg Chapel is very famous and is visited by pilgrims.
It was originally constructed in 1674 and then expanded in 1791.

Dedicated to the Annaberg pilgrims who died in the First World War — Authors Image
St. Annaberg Chapel — Should churches be forced to put the LGBT flag? — Authors Image

The stations along the pathway are adorned with intricate stone carvings, some of which have been there since the 17th century.

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I just came from that spooky place in the forest, 5km from my home, where I live today.

And I cannot believe that for 2 years now I didn't know about this hidden unusual place, full of secrets.

Visiting the spooky places is like a ghost story, with spirits wandering around you.

Such religious places attract people beyond their haunty reputation.

You wouldn’t believe how attractive they are with their fascinating history, beautiful architecture, and locations.

Despite the spooky stories, these mysterious places are intriguing, exciting and wake your curiosity.

Tell me your spooky story, and share the most intriguing places in the comments!

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B.W. Bibi

Nature-loving Traveler, Writer, Engineer, Quality Auditor, Business Development Manager, Warrior for the free and smarter world. @bibiable😊 🌿🌍🌟