Sketching Success: Unleashing Your Creative Potential. Day 84 of 100.



Hey, so it’s day 84.

I did a good job today.

Inspiration came upon me and revealed a miracle😂.
Emotional ideas that penetrate deep into the mind expansively. I like that sometimes art fills and displaces negative emotions and leaves a pleasant feeling of lightness and confidence in my abilities.
Visual memory stimulation helps me draw heterogeneous illustrations that appear in a chaotic order in my head.

I think I will draw something that will amaze me soon; I feel it, but I don’t know what yet.


90 stories

These are my final thoughts; thanks for your support and attention.
Have a good day, bye.




[🌟 100% Follow-Back 🌟] Hi, my name is Bibt. I created a blog about how I'm learning to be an artist and what I do daily to achieve it.