Few Lines Essay on importance of Trees in english

cr vicky
2 min readJan 28, 2020

Trees are very important in our lives And they keep the balance of nature And many kinds of animals are home for animals Apart from this, it gives us freshness by seeing fruits and shade. That’s why they matter so much That teachers also give their students to write essays on it If you have received any similar essay So complete it through these lines which will be helpful for the students of class 1 2 3 4 5.

10 Lines on importance of tree in english language

1. There is a need for some precious sources to run life on Earth continuously, the tree is one of them

2. Trees carry carbon dioxide from our polluted environment and send oxygen into it to make the environment pure.

3. Trees provide a place for many wild animals and birds to build houses

4. Trees provide different types of fruit flowers which are nutrient-rich food not only for humans but for animal birds

5. The trees provide wood to us which used for fuel but be careful though we should never cut a green tree

6. Tree roots twigs flowers are used in making many Ayurvedic medicines that protect us from the disease.

7. Trees in the summer season give shade to the birds and humans, which makes them feel happy in the sunny sunshine.

8. The roots of the trees go deep into the ground and keep it tied, so that the soil does not sit with air and water and its fertilizer capacity remains

9. Trees give a fodder for many herbs so that the natural maintain its balance.

10. Because of all these valuable things given by the trees, we should plant more trees and take care of them so that we can live in a beautiful environment.

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cr vicky

A simple person living in the village, who is trying to know the wonderful people of the world.