my parents suck. old people suck. retirees suck. there is no other way to say it. express it. I want my own fucking life! I am sick and tired of having to deal with these two old fucks, every single fucking day! every single moment fucking of every single fucking day all they ever do is ARGUE ARGUE ARGUE! do me and every one who has to put up with fucking parents just fucking get a divorce or better, just fucking DIE ALREADY! because if you don’t , I will fucking KILL YOU OLD FUCK MOTHERFUCKERS MYSELF! I always thought George Constanza was funny when it came to him having to put up with his Jew fuck parents, but apparently old fuck annoyance and irritation crosses racial lines as well, because my own motherfucking Asian fuck prick of a parents piss me and stress me off every single time I fucking visit. now we know why people put their stupid parents in fucking nursing homes so they can leave there to fucking rot and FORGET ABOUT THEM! is it an obligation for these old fucks to argue EVERY SINGLE DAY of their waking moment fucling lives because they have NOTHING ELSE TO DO??!! is is also a fucking obligation to SMELL STINK because bathing is a apparently a fucking SIN in their motherfucking cataract eyes??!! and another thing….WHY THE FUCK are they so goddamn structured and set in ther stupid old fuck ways??!! I FUCKING HATE OLD PEOPLE!
let us not be the first to cast the first stones. FUCK THAT! there should be a universal law whereby when people turn 65, they fucking DIE. PERIOD.
old fucks DO NOT contribute to society. they are a WASTE of space. they constantly COMPLAIN about everything & anything. they are so fucking CHEAP with money, if they could they would live the rest of their fucking unnatural lives FREE from spending on anything. my old man alone is a fucking idiot. he likes to shoplift from stores. he loves to rummage thru garbage. then there is my old woman….the QUEEN OF NAGGERS. nag here. nag there. nag everywhere. even in public. main reason why my motherfucking parents ARGUE EVERY SINGLE DAY over just about EVERYTHING, from the most trivial to the fucking ridiculus ( i.e. parking, asking for directions, position of car, driving speed).
each and every one who reads this shit….YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THE FUCK I AM TALKING ABOUT. because each and every one of us, unfortunately, has personally experienced this shit. I care not if you still love your parents or not, especially ethnic third-world folk. I, for one, DO NOT care or love my stupid parents anymore. I want them to die. period. so I…..can live.