4 min readAug 10, 2019


Raise your ROI by 50% and save 80% resources

Making money with a relatively small investment is a good deal. In a few words, this is the core purpose of the online marketing. With Bigbom, transform this good deal into a great deal.

Bigbom raise your ROI by 50% and saves 80% resources

When it was created, Bigbom’s objective was to boost the performance and the efficiency of your advertising campaigns. Working along Facebook Ads, we have launched our solution, Bigbom. Inside Bigbom, our solutions were dispatched into four different chapters : Results, Automation, Management and Audience (or RAMA). Through those four elements, Bigbom stands as the ideal solution to enhance the ROI of your online marketing campaigns ; the perfect opportunity to create an advertising campaign based on performance.

Bigbom Ads is supporting you in every step.

> One of the first confusing things to think about is the size of your AUDIENCE. You need to understand how are your customers. You can do some research and rack your brain to find the most convenient audience ; which is all the people already interested in your products and everyone that can be. By putting at your disposal a full-scale and comprehensive database, Bigbom will help you find the perfect targeted audience. Understanding the demographics of your audience will help you pick the right audience size faster and, generally speaking, with more efficiency.

> Once you have found your audience, you can start the creation of your advertising campaign : the content, the title, the text and, last but not least, the pictures. We can’t do this for you, but you can find some useful TIPS on our blogs. We write every day to help you understand the whys and wherefores of the online world.

> Now, you are ready. You can start running your advertising campaign with Facebook Ads. If you are a small company or, simply put, not an advertisement expert, managing your ads will take you so much effort and swallow up all of your time. With its automated algorithm, Bigbom ensures the AUTOMATIC OPTIMIZATION of your ads. Bigbom supports you by automating some crucial decisions that must be taken quickly. For example, Bigbom will automatically stop running the ads that have been rated as bad or mediocre (through a set of business metrics) and transfer the saved budget to ads that are working well, the good and excellent ads. Bigbom can also reactivate, before you even notice, the ads that have been accidentally been stopped. In that way, you will save a tremendous amount of time while you can make sure that Bigbom is working on the optimization of your campaign’s ROI. Soon, Bigbom will also be able to automatically duplicate the good ads. Now, if you are a more advanced marketer, you will find in Bigbom, the ideal tool to MANAGE all your campaign while staying sign in into multiple advertising accounts.

> Finally, it’s time to analyse what your ads have performed. Here again, Bigbom can be your best ally. Thanks to its strong insights and metrics database, you can make a summary of the performance of your campaign. But, the most interesting thing about this, is that you can rapport the performance of your ads while they are still running. This easy-to-read database allows you to track your RESULTS in real-time. Since the advertising world is ruled by the “trial-and-error” system, you can also find Bigbom’s A/B testing very important.

By using Bigbom, your campaign can increase their ROI up by 50%, while it allows you to save up to 80% of the time and effort. With Bigbom, it’s easy to optimize the performance of your ads and make sure that the ads that are running are the best, and the one that generates the highest ROI possible.

Let’s finish by saying that the solution provided by Bigbom is not over yet. The company is currently working on implementing Smart Contract technology to tackle down the trust and professionalism problem that is eating away the online advertising world. When you hire a Digital Marketing Agency, the collaboration can suffer a lack of trust. Thanks to the blockchain technology, every side can make sure to find some benefit.

Bigbom will continue to work hard to become the key solutions to the problems of the never-ending growing digital advertising market worldwide. It will be a long road, full of pitfalls and obstacles. But it is a road that is worth fighting for.

Don’t forget to follow our social media to see the latest updates from Bigbom:

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Source :

  • How We Used AdEspresso To Achieve A 5384% ROI On Facebook Ads, on CAPACITR (February, 2018).
  • Bigbom — How to increase your Facebook advertising profit by up to 50% on DANTRI (April, 2019)




Bigbom is a decentralized advertising ecosystem, built on Ethereum and Tomochain .