What is Facebook Carousel Ad? What are its pros and cons?

3 min readAug 30, 2019


What is Facebook Carousel Ad?

Facebook Carousel is an Ad Type that allows displaying between two and ten images or videos within one ad.

Those ads are built through Facebook Ads Managers and are regulated by the same rules and features. You will need, before displaying it on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger or Audience network to choose a business objective (brand awareness, boost leads), target carefully your audience and your budget.

Facebook Carousel allows 2–10 images or videos within one ad

For whom and for what purposes?

As Facebook Carousel Ads allow a better showcase of products and enable storytelling, some categories of business are more appropriate than others. In particular : (1) the companies that want to show their product catalog or their new collection (products with seasonal variation) and (2) the high-priced products that need a multiple aspect justification. In other words, Carousel Ads is suitable for highlighting many products and for pointing out many features of one product.

You can also use Facebook Carousel Ads to explain a process and show, for example, how you made a particular product.

Some tips

First, be careful with the specs for your pictures and videos. It is available on the different Facebook Business Pages.

Second, if you are using video, don’t forget to put them in “auto-play” mode and especially, do not depend on audio.

Third, if Carousel allows you to use ten pictures, that doesn’t mean you must use them all. Prioritize the coherence of your message.

Finally, remember that the three most important aspects of any Carousel Ads are the first commercial message, the Call-to-Action button, and different landing pages.

Tip: prioritize CTA and landing pages. If you do not pay particular attention to these elements, you may not succeed.

What are the pros and cons of Facebook Carousel Ad?

> The pros

The advantages of Carousel Ads are numerous.

Carousel Ads disposes of a better showcase and storytelling capabilities. Those ads are interactive and more immersive than a Single Picture Ad. That leads to better audience engagement and, then, to more conversions.

Despite this, Carousel Ads have the same price as any other ads in Facebook Ads Management.

> The cons

However, you must be vigilant to some elements.

The use of multiple pictures can confuse your initial commercial message and your business can quickly return an incoherent and mixed message. Moreover, the Carousel Ads are not as versatile as other format and support only a limited amount of business goals.

If we just said that Carousel Ads have the same price, it’s not true to say that its creation will be as easy as a Single Picture Ad. You will need several high-quality assets, more pictures and the design of your different landing page will swallow time and efforts.

Tip: The Carousel Ads have the undeniable stranglehold on Instagram, the use of a Single Picture Ad on Facebook can be a “safer bet” if you don’t trust your design capabilities.

Need more information?

If you need more information about Carousel Ads or more generally about the Facebook Ads Manager, Bigbom will be pleased to help you. To reach us and answer your question, you can either follow our Social media pages or read our different articles on Medium.

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  • Facebook Business Page
  • Kelly Main : “How to Create & Launch Effective Facebook Carousel Ads” — Fit Small Business.com (November 23, 2018).
  • Rebecca Reichert: “ Carousel Ads vs. Single Image Ads on Facebook & Instagram” — Conversion Logix (august 24, 2018).




Bigbom is a decentralized advertising ecosystem, built on Ethereum and Tomochain . https://bigbom.com/