Why I think humans are weird and what we are trying to do about it.

David A. Chang
3 min readJul 14, 2019




We as humans are constantly scared. We don’t think we can do things. We think we are dumb. We think goals are too hard to continue and maintain. It’s impossible to know for certain if we can or can’t; so why even try?


Instead, we assume things are the way we perceive them to be, because we have to assume. We have no data to back up any sound reasoning. We were too scared to try and find out for ourselves.

I am too dumb, but only because I’ve never tried to study.

Things are too hard, but only because I never even started.

I am too ugly, but only because I’ve never even tried to approach a girl.

Or, an even worse scenario…

I assume I am the smartest person in the world because I’ve never taken a test.

I assume I am out of everyone’s league because I’ve never gone on a date.

People of this race/ethnicity/sexuality are the worst people in the world because I’ve never taken the time to have a simple conversation.

We avoid these things because we’re too scared to find out the truth. We’re too scared of what the truth could be.

Other people though? Well, I’ve never been in the body of someone else; I’ve only observed them from afar. And therefore, I can only assume that… Man, some people have their shit together. Some people are just damn good. And smart. And attractive. And they must know what they’re doing!


How does this tie into social? Well, the majority of people are too scared or afraid to try most things for themselves. So they just assume they can’t for the entirety of their lives.

But haven’t you ever done something crazy with friends? Like spend thousands of dollars to vacation in an obscure country? Or pay $100 to listen to EDM music and do drugs? Or, heaven forbid, go to the gym together?

One of your idiot friends just had to be the one to spark the idea and ask if it sounded cool.

And all of a sudden you realized “Wow, here’s another idiot who actually had the same stupid idea as I kind of did. I guess my idea wasn’t that stupid!” Someone just had to be the first to bring it up.

This is how we can enable the planet. If we can find, elevate, and possibly even create the kinds of people who are dumb (no) foolish (no) stupid (no) brave (YES) enough to invite their friends and start a habit crew with them, we are fucking golden. All of a sudden, 3 or 4 people who were too scared to do anything alone are all of a sudden willing to eat healthier, gym more, meditate daily — together.

With social pressure, we can unlock the world of self-improvement, for the world. Maybe?



David A. Chang

I like products and I like people. Mostly. Building stuff at Dimension. I haven't written anything in years.