4 min readMay 9, 2023


Ah, the DK Rap. A timeless classic that has been stuck in our heads for over two decades. It’s the opening theme song for the hit video game, Donkey Kong 64, and it’s a masterpiece of rap and rhyme. So, let’s dive in and explore the lyrics of this iconic song.

Verse 1: He’s finally back to kick some tail! This is a reference to Donkey Kong, the star of the game, who is back and ready for action. He’s known for his powerful kicks and his ability to take down enemies with ease.

His Coconut Gun can fire in spurts This is a reference to one of Donkey Kong’s weapons in the game, a coconut gun that shoots coconuts in rapid bursts.

If he shoots ya, it’s gonna hurt! This is a warning to the game’s enemies. If Donkey Kong shoots them with his Coconut Gun, it’s going to hurt.

Verse 2: He’s bigger, faster, and stronger too This is a reference to Donkey Kong’s physical abilities in the game. He’s larger than most of his enemies, he’s faster and more agile, and he’s much stronger.

He’s the first member of the DK crew! The DK crew is a group of characters in the game, and Donkey Kong is their leader.

Huh! Donkey Kong is known for his signature grunt, which is represented in the song with a simple “huh!”

Verse 3: DK! Donkey Kong! He’s the leader of the bunch, you know him well This is a reference to Donkey Kong’s status as the main character of the game, and his popularity among gamers.

He’s finally back to kick some tail! This line repeats from verse one, further emphasizing Donkey Kong’s readiness for action.

His Coconut Gun can fire in spurts Again, a reference to Donkey Kong’s weapon.

If he shoots ya, it’s gonna hurt! Another warning to the game’s enemies.

Verse 4: His Coconut Gun can fire in spurts We’re back to the Coconut Gun. This weapon is apparently a big deal.

If he shoots ya, it’s gonna hurt! Another reminder that Donkey Kong means business.

He’s bigger, faster, and stronger too This line repeats from verse two, reinforcing Donkey Kong’s physical prowess.

He’s the second member of the DK crew! Wait, what? Wasn’t he the first member? It seems there’s some confusion here.

Verse 5: Huh! Donkey Kong’s signature grunt makes another appearance.

DK! Donkey Kong! This line repeats from verse three.

He has no style, he has no grace This is a reference to one of Donkey Kong’s enemies in the game, a character named King K. Rool. The lyrics suggest that Donkey Kong is superior to King K. Rool, who apparently has no style or grace.

This Kong has a funny face This is a playful jab at Donkey Kong’s appearance. He’s not the most conventionally attractive character, but he’s still a beloved hero.

Verse 6: He can handstand when he needs to This is a reference to one of Donkey Kong’s abilities in the game. He can perform a handstand to avoid enemies or obstacles.

And stretch his arms out just for you Donkey Kong can also stretch his arms to reach faraway objects or enemies.

Inflate himself just like a balloon This is another of Donkey Kong’s abilities, which allows him to inflate himself like a balloon and float through the air.

This crazy Kong just digs this tune! Donkey Kong is a fan of the song, just like the rest of us.

Verse 7: H

Verse 8: This Kong’s so strong, it isn’t funny This line reinforces Donkey Kong’s strength and power.

Can make a Kremling cry out for mummy The Kremlings are the main enemies in the game, and this line suggests that Donkey Kong can defeat them with ease.

He’ll never give up, he’s the Kong-queror This is a play on words, combining the words “Kong” and “conqueror” to create a new term that describes Donkey Kong’s determination and bravery.

Verse 9: He’s the leader of the bunch, you know him well This line repeats from earlier in the song.

He’s finally back to kick some tail! Once again, the song emphasizes Donkey Kong’s readiness for action.

His Coconut Gun can fire in spurts And again, we’re reminded of Donkey Kong’s weapon of choice.

If he shoots ya, it’s gonna hurt! The song ends on a warning to Donkey Kong’s enemies, leaving them with the knowledge that if they mess with Donkey Kong, they’re going to feel the pain.

Overall, the DK Rap is a fun and catchy song that perfectly captures the spirit of the Donkey Kong 64 game. Its playful lyrics and upbeat tempo have made it a beloved classic among gamers and non-gamers alike.

