How “Traditional Recruitment Process” is changing its face in the e-world.

Big Ideas HR Consulting Pvt. Ltd
3 min readAug 13, 2018


Not two decades, not one decade but in 3 years, the entire recruitment process is going to change. Frightening, but true.

Top recruiters across the world have been witnessing this trend coming in. With the advent of the internet and its proliferation, recruitment from its traditional form has already changed a lot. Furthermore, with extreme penetration of internet in developing countries — where the maximum population of the world is residing — the process and criterions of recruiting an employee are going to change tremendously.

This also means traditional recruiters are about to lose its job in next three years.

India with over 20% of the world’s population is the youngest country in the world, with 27 as the average age of its 1.3 Bn population. Also, over 70% of the India’s population is below 35 years of age. This population is completely online. Students in schools and colleges who are about to be ready to get jobs are not traditional employees. Recruiters who are finding the right set of candidates for their client companies are going to have a tough time finding these young Indians elsewhere but online.

Traditional recruiters adopt maximum time in finding the right candidate on online recruitment portals like Naukri, Monster, Timesjobs, Shine and the likes. Also, since last 3 years, these recruiters have also been scouting right candidates on LinkedIn. Traditional recruiters now need to know that right candidates are also present in young age social media platforms. And if they are not looking for candidates on these young age social media platforms, they are doomed for life. In the same line, there are many companies, which are recruiting good amount of talent pool directly from Twiter, Facebook, Snapchat and wait even from Tinder. This is the new age social media impact the entire world is experiencing.

The shocking news is, 90% of the existing recruiters in 2017 are not aware of this trend and hence are not able to fulfill their clients’ requirement. There is also a reason that they are not only not aware of this new trend, but also they are not aware of how to leverage the internet to attract and hire good talent.

With search based on speech recognition and Artificial Intelligence coming soon to India, recruitment and other industry will further take a turn. Until that time, it would be better for all the existing recruiters to adopt the changing landscape of hiring talents.


Sane companies have started keeping ‘Social Media Listeners’ in their head office, to scout, read and comprehend what and how their existing employees are behaving and also to find potential candidates. This characteristic is new but is expanding fast than expected. The entire new generation of young talent — the young Indian’s — is different, unlike its previous generation. But unfortunately, recruitment in traditional companies has not changed.

With this, etiquettes for recruiters have also changed. They have to — I repeat — they have to change their modus operandi to find the right set of candidates online on different social media platforms.

