The seven deadly sins of humans

4 min readMay 7, 2016


Everyone on this planet has at-least four of the seven deadly sins, they just want admit that to your face. It’s best to be honest with yourself when it comes to this because I’m going to go through them all and point out which ones I have and opinions on each of them so let’s begin.


. It’s hard to not have this one because let’s say you see a guy with a nicer car or more money of course your going to want what he has because you don’t have it. I have envy when it comes to musical talent. As a guitarist I try to be the best at my instrument, however it’s when I see someone with better skills and a better rig (a guitar players set up and gear) I get envious of that persons talent and as such I want to be better than them and it’s for my own selfish benefit. I’m trying to except that it’s best that everyone have their own way of getting better.


This is a hard one for me sometimes because when you have more than someone else your less likely to want to share your valuable possessions. I used to have a problem with money because I wanted more than I had and I wanted to by expensive things but that’s a huge issue for all of us. The dream of being rich consumes people to become total monsters with no regard for anyone but themselves. Its a very dark and selfish road to go down.


This is one I don’t have much to offer on but pride can be a harsh one because of the way you carry yourself and how you want others to see you for example if you want others to see you as King Louis XIV that’s being too prideful and your asking for trouble.


This is one that’s been true for some but not all. Let’s say you are at a restaurant and you order more than you can eat but your not willing to share. That’s your way of being not only wasteful but showing your own true nature. Gluttony is eating more than you can handle but it doesn’t always have to be food.


This is one I had to deal with years ago. I had an anger problem that caused me to explode on everything and everyone even if they don’t do anything that bad. I would blackout and completely lose myself in rage. After therapy and time it went away but wrath is what fuels hatred for many peace and it comes in every form you can imagine.


Well let’s face it, we are a lazy in one form or another wether it’s getting up in the morning or evening the motivation to go to school or work we all face this in some form. I’m an early morning person but I’ll admit sometimes I don’t want to go to the gym or work but if you want to serve you must stop being a lazy bum.

Last but not least


This is one guys face everyday of their lives. Your lustful desires take control of you when see a girl, well lets make it more realistic. You see a girl, beautiful brunette with great legs and a killer fit body and on top of that she’s got breasts the size of your head. Your in paradise you’re getting a hard on the length of the Great Wall of China. You’re imagining how she looks naked in the shower, or even better your thinking if I could only just F**k her is be putting a notch in my belt size of the Grand Canyon. Ok it’s official your a lowlife PERVERT!. Now I’ve had this problem and I’ll admit it’s not just for men. Women also have this problem guys wether it be a muscle or body fetish to a tall and handsome with a Lexus. This is a problem we face as a human race. So to all you horny bastards “Font think with Mr. Snake in the grass. Think with your heart and be respectful.” Your lustful desires are just there is like this :

“ her heart beating with the fire of passion and desire, her body melting with the heat from the candles and the warm sheets. Her breasts tingling with pure perfection and the glows of envy as she grabbed his muscular back as his moist lips caressed her sweet and supple body. Her eyes full of fire and flames of sin.”

Well it’s official you’re pervert if you were having dirty thoughts. That’s was my take on lust I hope you enjoyed my notes. Even if it’s poor grammar.

Side note:

I wrote this because they faced with seeing these every day. And despite what you think about me or if you know me I’m actually a pretty nice guy I try to treat everyone with kindness and respect I try to treat women and men respectfully as friends.




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