What is Big Mumbai and how to play at Big Mumbai App?

2 min readMay 30, 2024


“Big Mumbai” is a term that no longer has any generally recognized meaning or association as of my last update in January 2022. However, if we were to guess and create a fictional concept called “Big Mumbai”, it could be imagined as a board game. or a popular game set in the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, India.

What is Big Mumbai ?

Big Mumbai App can be seen as a strategic board game that immerses players in the vibrant and dynamic culture of Mumbai, one of the largest and most diverse cities in India. In this game, players can travel through the city’s landmarks, neighborhoods, and busy streets, encountering various challenges and opportunities along the way.

Big Mumbai Instructions — A Fantasy Scenario

Here is a dummy guide on how to play Big Mumbai:

Preparation: Players gather around a board representing the city of Mumbai. The setting may include landmarks such as India Gate, Marine Drive, Bollywood studios, bustling markets and colourful neighbourhoods.

Choose your avatar: Each player chooses a unique avatar that represents a character wandering around the city. Avatars can include images of tourists, locals, businessmen or even Bollywood stars.

Objective: The objective of the Big Mumbai app may vary depending on the game design. Players can compete to gain wealth, fame, or complete specific quests in a set number of turns.

Turns and actions: Players take turns rolling dice and moving their avatars around the board. Along the way they encounter various challenges and opportunities. This may include:

Visit attractions to earn points or resources.

Participate in cultural events or festivals in exchange for bonuses.

Interact with other players through trade, alliances or competitions.

Strategy and Decision Making: Success in Big Mumbai requires strategic decision making. Players must manage their resources effectively, make smart investments, and navigate the complexities of city life to defeat their opponents.

Event and Challenge Cards: The game may contain random event or challenge cards that reflect real-life situations in Mumbai. This could include monsoon floods, celebrity appearances, political rallies, or business opportunities.

Winning the game: The game ends after a certain number of rounds or when a player reaches predetermined victory conditions. The winner can be the player with the most money, fame, completed missions, or a combination of factors.


While Big Mumbai is the best website for Online Gaming there you can play many interesting games like aviator, colour change and many more.. Whether in the form of a board game or an imaginative concept, Big Mumbai celebrates the spirit of adventure and discovery in one of India’s most iconic urban landscapes.




Big Mumbai is the Best Website for Online Gaming here you can play more than 200 plus online games