All about Flash Protocol

big baby
1 min readMar 25, 2024

Flash Protocol is a new Taproot-powered & decentralized protocol where you have the power to mint, trade and earn Bitcoin native assets / NFT at high transaction speed and low transaction cost.

Use case of Flash protocol Flash Protocol offers four key use cases which are

. Marketplace designed specifically for enhancing asset liquidity

  • BTC Angel Hub, a Gitcoin-like platform to support Taproot ecosystem projects
  • Initial assets and NFT issuance, a 100% permissionless and cost effective process
  • BTCFi on Flash Chain

I will be using this 3 minutes video to illustrate how they work through the link :

$FLASH is the governance token that will be use to power the ecosystem and it ido is coming soon dont miss it

Venture Investor and launchpad

Flash Protocol got the interest of some vc which make those vc partner with them and i will be using the image below to show them

this picture also show the launchpad

dont miss it



big baby

Airdrop hunters/Job hunters. degen novice threador, Reader and Trader @sparkfi_xyz