Rory McIlroy And Tiger Woods: Two Very Different Golfers

5 min readFeb 27, 2023


I’ve been a golf fan for as long as I can remember, so naturally, I’m a big fan of Tiger Woods. He has always been one of my favorite players, and I have followed his career closely ever since he Rory Mcilroy Vs Tiger Woods Comparison first shot onto the scene. However, there is one golfer that I think is even better than Tiger Woods — Rory McIlroy. Why? Well, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why: -Rory McIlroy has won more tournaments than Tiger Woods -Rory McIlroy has had long periods of dominance over the golf world -Rory McIlroy has a better-putting stroke In short, there is no comparison between Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy. The comparisons are impossible, and they are simply based on unfounded bias.

Tiger Woods has had a longer career and achieved more

Tiger Woods has had a longer career and achieved more than Rory McIlroy. This is simply not fair to the young Northern Irishman. Tiger has won 68 times on the PGA Tour, while Rory has THAZNEWS only won 27 times. Tiger also holds multiple major championships, with 14 total; while Rory has only one major championship, the 2016 US Open. Additionally, Tiger has accumulated over $22 million in earnings during his career, while Rory’s earnings are only slightly over $11 million. These are just a few of the many reasons why the comparison between Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy is impossible to make.

Rory McIlroy has won more tournaments

Rory McIlroy has won more tournaments than Tiger Woods. This is an indisputable fact and anyone who argues otherwise is either uninformed or trying to mislead you. McIlroy has won 18 tournaments to Woods’ 17, including three majors.

Woods has had a longer career, however, and is arguably the greatest player of all time. Winning a major championship takes more than simply being good at golf; it takes great mental and physical preparation as well as putting in the work on the practice range. McIlroy has shown throughout his career that he’s capable of winning majors, but there are still many unanswered questions about if he can become the greatest golfer of all time.

Tiger Woods is older

When Tiger Woods was first rising to fame, he was only 24 years old. Rory McIlroy was just 17 when Woods won his first major championship. However, age is one factor that cannot be compared between the two golfers. Age can only be considered when looking at their achievements, records and overall dominance on the course. Woods has amassed 27 major championships (including 14 Masters), while McIlroy has won 23 professional events. The gap in majors is significant, but does not tell the entire story between these two golfers. Woods has had more consistent success over a longer period of time and is one of the greatest players of all time.

When it comes to stats and rankings, Woods clearly dominates McIlroy with regards to both technique and results. According to Golfstatistics, Woods has more top-10 finishes (392) than McIlroy (317). Furthermore, his average finish placing in tournaments across all formats is 2nd place (2nd best) whereas McIlroy’s average finish places him in 5th place in all tournaments played. This level of consistency and dominance suggests that it would be difficult for anyone to dethrone Tiger Woods as the Greatest Golfer Ever.

In other areas such as equipment sales and sponsorship deals, Woods’ legacy is clear. He currently holds 18 professional tour titles — more than any other golfer ever — which includes 15 majors (tied with Jack Nicklaus). He also has an imposing financial portfolio which

Tiger Woods is not as consistent

Tiger Woods is not as consistent as Rory McIlroy. The two golfers are similar in many ways, but McIlroy has a better track record when it comes to consistency. So how can the comparison be impossible?

First, Woods has had more opportunities to win. Second, he has been able to play at a higher level for longer periods of time. Third, Woods has had more major championships than McIlroy. Fourth, Woods struggles at times on tougher courses while McIlroy does well on these types of courses. Finally, there is the matter of game play: Woods often makes careless mistakes while McIlroy rarely does so.

Rory McIlroy can play in difficult conditions

Rory McIlroy is known for his outstanding play in difficult conditions, but that does not mean he can compare to Tiger Woods. McIlroy has played in many windy tournaments, but Woods has played in more extreme conditions.

According to Sports Illustrated, Woods has won 36 professional tour titles playing in conditions rated as “extreme” or “plus-10.” That’s more than any other golfer and almost twice as many as McIlroy. In fact, Woods has won a total of 41 tour events overall, which is nine more than McIlroy.

McIlroy often plays with a light ball in windy conditions, while Woods uses a heavier ball that helps him control the distance on shots. McIlroy also struggles with putting when the wind is blowing hard because his putter kicks back at him. On the other hand, Woods is one of the best putters in history and can make even the toughest greens look easy.

History of Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods

Rory McIlroy’s playing career surged in the late 2000s, while Tiger Woods’ struggled. McIlroy won three majors by 2013, while Tiger had not won one since 2002. Rory was asked about his biggest competition at a press conference and replied “Tiger Woods is my biggest competition.”

However, what Rory may not realize is that he himself has been the bigger beneficiary of the Tiger vs. Phil era. By 2007, when Rory started winning majors, there were already six years of dominance for Phil Mickelson by himself. So when Tiger came back in 2002 and dominated for a few years (winning 14 out of 18 Masters), it wasn’t really a big factor to Rory as he was just starting to establish himself on the scene.

Another reason why comparisons between these two are impossible is because they have played completely different games throughout their careers. Rory is an all-around player who can hit drives long and straight, but also has a good short game which he uses to get into position for his irons shots. Tiger, on the other hand, relies mainly on strength and power with his drives off the tee and doesn’t always hit the ball as straight or far as some people might think considering how tall he is.

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