End-to-End LLMOps Platform

Bijit Ghosh
8 min readNov 5, 2023


Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4, LlaMA, Falcon, Claude, Cohere, PaLM, have demonstrated immense capabilities for natural language generation, reasoning, summarization, translation, and more. However, effectively leveraging these models to build custom applications requires overcoming non-trivial machine learning engineering challenges.

LLMOps aims to provide a streamlined platform enabling development teams to efficiently integrate different LLMs into products and workflows.

In this blog, I will cover best practices and components for implementing an enterprise-grade LLMOps platform including model deployment, collaboration, monitoring, governance, and tooling using both open source and commercial LLMs.

Challenges of Building LLM-Powered Apps

First, let’s examine some key challenges that an LLMOps platform aims to tackle:

  • Model evaluation — Rigorously benchmarking different LLMs for accuracy, speed, cost, and capabilities
  • Infrastructure complexity — Serving and scaling LLMs in production with high concurrency
  • Monitoring and debugging — Observability into model behavior and predictions
  • Integration overhead — Inferfacing LLMs with surrounding logic and data pipelines
  • Collaboration — Enabling teams to collectively build on models
  • Compliance — Adhering to regulations around data privacy, geography, and AI ethics
  • Access control — Managing model authorization and protecting IP
  • Vendor lock-in — Avoiding over-dependence on individual providers

An LLMOps platform encapsulates this complexity allowing developers to focus on their custom application logic.

Next, let’s explore a high-level architecture.

LLMOps Platform Architecture

An LLMOps platform architecture consists of these core components:

Experimentation Sandbox

Notebook environments for safely evaluating LLMs like GPT-4, LlaMA, Falcon, Claude, Cohere, PaLM on proprietary datasets.

Model Registry

Catalog of LLMs with capabilities, performance, and integration details.

Model Serving

Scalable serverless or containerized deployment of LLMs for production.

Workflow Orchestration

Chaining LLMs together into coherent workflows and pipelines.

Monitoring and Observability

Tracking key model performance metrics, drift, errors, and alerts.

Access Controls and Governance

Role-based access, model auditing, and oversight guardrails.

Developer Experience

SDKs, docs, dashboards, and tooling to simplify direct model integrations.

Let’s explore each area further with implementation details and open source tools.

Experimentation Sandbox

Data scientists and developers need sandbox environments to safely explore different LLMs.

This allows iterating on combinations of models, hyperparameters, prompts, and data extracts without operational constraints.

For example, leveraging tools like:

  • Google Colab — Cloud-based notebook environment
  • Weights & Biases — Experiment tracking and model management
  • LangChain — Clean Python LLM integrations
  • HuggingFace Hub — Access to thousands of open source models

Key capabilities needed include:

  • Easy access to both open source and commercial LLMs
  • Automated versioning of experiments
  • Tracking hyperparameters, metrics, and artifacts
  • ISOLATED FROM PRODUCTION SYSTEMS — Critically important for integrity

The sandbox allows freedom to innovate while seamlessly capturing complete context to productionize successful approaches.

Model Registry

The model registry serves as the system of record for vetted LLMs approved for usage in applications. It tracks:

  • Model metadata — Type, description, capabilities
  • Performance benchmarks — Speed, accuracy, cost
  • Sample model outputs
  • Training data and approach summaries
  • Limits and constraints — Data types, size limits, quotas
  • Integration details — Languages, SDKs, endpoints

For example, a model registry entry:

name: GPT-4 Curie
type: Generative, few-shot learning
description: High-performing multipurpose LLM for natural language
accuracy: 90%
latency: 200ms
cost: $0.002/1k tokens
- Natural language generation
- Classification
- Sentiment analysis
- Summarization
- Grammar correction
- Max sequence length: 2,000 tokens
- No audio, image inputs
- Rate limited to 10k tokens daily
integrator_guide: https://wiki.com/gpt4
- Python
- Node.js
- Java
- https://openai.com/api/curie

This consolidated view helps teams effectively evaluate and select the optimal models for their needs while complying to constraints.

Model Serving

LLMOps requires optimized, scalable infrastructure to serve models in production with low latency, integrity, and cost efficiency.

Some good options for model serving include:


Tools like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions provide auto-scaled, event-driven model hosting:

import openai
def handler(event, context):

prompt = event["prompt"]
response = openai.Completion.create(prompt=prompt)

return response


Docker containers allow packaging models and dependencies:

FROM python
RUN pip install openai
COPY model.py .
CMD ["python", "model.py"]


Orchestrators like Kubernetes manage and scale containers:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: gpt4
replicas: 3
app: ai
app: ai
- name: gpt4
image: gpt4:v1

Tooling like NVIDIA Triton, Seldon Core, and Algorithmia simplify deployment.

Optimized serving ensures models have the best performance, scale, and availability in production.

Workflow Orchestration

Complex workflows can chain multiple LLMs together:

For example:

  • Summarize + Translated
  • Anonymize data → Clean → Analyze
  • Transcribe speech → Translate → Summarize meeting

Key requirements include:

  • Passing inputs and state across models
  • Handling errors and partial failures
  • Monitoring workflow steps
  • Retrying failed model invocations
  • Load balancing and pooling models
  • Workflow versioning and reuse

Tools like Metaflow, Prefect, Apache Airflow, and Argo Workflows help orchestrate LLM workflows at scale.

Monitoring and Observability

Careful monitoring uncovers model performance issues and deviations to prevent downstream impacts.

Metrics like:

  • Prediction accuracy
  • Precision and recall
  • Latency distributions
  • Error rates
  • Cost per prediction
  • Input/output size distributions

Need centralized aggregation using tools like:

  • Prometheus
  • Datadog/Dynatrace
  • Elastic
  • Grafana dashboards

Alerting helps quickly detect anomalies across key metrics.

Access Controls and Governance

With sensitive data, robust access controls and auditing are crucial. Capabilities needed:

  • Role-based access to models and features
  • Quotas limiting usage
  • Model audit logs
  • Data masking for monitoring
  • Approval workflows for publishing models
  • Pipeline quality gates
  • Model lineage tracking

Tools like Seldon Core, Verta, MLFlow, and Amundsen provide model and metadata governance.

Governance balances open experimentation with production integrity.

Developer Experience

For direct model integrations, data scientists and developers need great tooling including:

  • Language-specific SDKs — Python, Java, JS
  • Interactive APIs — Jupyter, Streamlit
  • Low-code integration — CLI, no-code tools
  • Automated documentation — SDK references
  • Client-side caching — Avoid repeat queries
  • Explainability libraries — LIME, SHAP
  • Feedback loops — Jira, Slack

This enables frictionless model usage and collaboration.

Now let’s look at an example workflow.

Example Workflow

Here is an example end-to-end workflow building and deploying a custom LLM-powered application with the platform:

Bijit is a Data Scientist looking to build a smart search assistant for help articles. He follows this workflow:

  1. In the experimentation sandbox, Bijit trials combining GPT-4 for natural language query understanding with Anthropic’s Claude for article ranking capabilities.
  2. He logs key metrics like accuracy, cost, and latency of the hybrid approach using Weights & Biases to track experiments.
  3. Once confident in the results, he packages the model endpoint and documents the integration.
  4. Bijit adds an entry to the model registry detailing the capabilities, constraints, and performance benchmarks of his model.
  5. The LLMOps team works with Bijit to productionize his model by optimizing a TensorFlow Serving container and deploying it onto Kubernetes engineered for scale, security, and reliability.
  6. Application developers leverage the newly available smart search SDK and docs to integrate Bijit’s model into their help portal.
  7. In production, the model is monitored for query latency, accuracy fall-off, and drift from original benchmarks. Alerts notify Bijit and Team of any anomalies.

This streamlined workflow allowed quick experimentation and smooth collaboration to build a custom LLM-powered application.

Key Recommendations

Here are some recommendations when implementing an enterprise LLMOps platform:

  • Provide sandbox environments for open exploration of models
  • Curate a model registry to guide appropriate usage
  • Engineer specialized serving infrastructure tailored for LLMs
  • Support orchestrating multiple models into workflows
  • Instrument model behavior deeply for monitoring
  • Build governance and access controls upfront
  • Invest heavily in developer experience — SDKs, docs, tooling
  • Align platform capabilities to application roadmaps
  • Plan for agility — new models, frameworks, and techniques will emerge continuously

Latest Trends and Future of LLMOps Platforms

LLMOps is an emerging discipline and the landscape continues to evolve quickly. Let’s explore the latest trends and expected changes on the horizon to help guide your platform strategy.

AutoML for LLMs

Automated machine learning (AutoML) can help optimizing and finding the best large language model for tasks by automating rote tuning, hyperparameter search, prompt engineering, and result analysis.

AutoML allows efficiently benchmarking a fleet of LLMs for accuracy, speed, capability fit, and cost. Tools like Darwin, TransmogrifAI, and Google Cloud AutoML enable hands-off LLM optimization.

These techniques allow continuously staying on top of new better performing models versus manual evaluation. AutoML streamlines leveraging a portfolio of LLMs.

Lite Model Deployment

Most major LLMs are computationally demanding at inference requiring substantial hardware acceleration. Lite deployment focuses on optimizing models for edge devices and mobiles by:

  • Knowledge distillation — Transferring knowledge from large to small model
  • Quantization — Converting to lower precision like INT8
  • Pruning — Removing redundant weights
  • Efficient architectures — Mobile-centric model design

This allows unlocking real-time LLMs applications on clients. Toolkits like TensorFlow Lite, ONNX Runtime, and Intel OpenVINO simplify lite deployment.

MLOps Convergence

LLMOps workflows are intersecting closer with MLOps stacks for broader model management spanning traditional ML models, large language models, and speech/vision models.

Unified MLOps platforms simplify tooling, improve reuse between teams, and provide economies of skill for platform engineers familiar with MLOps patterns. LLMs can be treated as modules called from broader MLOps workflows focused on challenges like dataset management, model retraining, A/B testing, and integration glue.

Low Code/No Code Integration

Citizen development platforms are expanding LLM access beyond technical roles. Integration templates, declarative configuration, and visual workflow builders give business users intuitive interfaces to leverage LLMs.

Vendors like PaLM, Anthropic, Cohere, and Hive allow custom apps utilizing LLMs with minimal coding. These democratize benefits while still maintaining oversight.

Responsible AI Guardrails

As LLMs become more pervasive in applications impacting end users and decisions, guardrails for metrics like bias, toxicity, and explainability become crucial. Platforms are expanding to assess ethical AI concerns across the model lifecycle and provide transparency into production model behavior and effects on people.

Geopolitical Variables

Larger economic, political, and national security considerations around domestic model development, data localization, and technology self-reliance may influence vendor selection and capabilities. As LLMs grow more critical for competitiveness, geopolitics will likely shape platform directions. Agility to adapt will be key.

Best Practices Evolution

LLMOps best practices remain in flux and still maturing. We expect rapid evolution in architectures, tooling, workflows, and development approaches as experience accumulates. Staying nimble, forward-looking, and continuously integrating learnings will help optimize your stack. Partnering with reputable vendors will provide guidance navigating uncertainty.

The Road Ahead

LLMOps aims to transform LLMs from isolated experiments into integral components embedded into workflows and providing ambient assistance.

Curating optimal combinations of models, intelligently automating rote tasks, democratizing access, and maintaining oversight will be key focus areas ahead. Building future-proof and adaptable platforms today allows seamlessly riding the coming waves of innovation in this domain.


I have explored best practices for implementing an end-to-end LLMOps platform encompassing:

  • Experimentation sandboxes
  • Model registries and governance
  • High-scale serving infrastructure
  • Workflow orchestration
  • Monitoring and observability
  • Developer experience including SDKs and tooling

This provides a streamlined environment for developers to build custom applications powered by LLMs like GPT-4, LlaMA, Falcon, Claude, Cohere, PaLM, and more.

Robust LLMOps allows organizations to tap into the immense opportunities of LLMs by removing overhead, enabling collaboration, maintaining integrity, and bridging the gap from experimentation to production deployment.

By codifying and scaling specialized workflows, LLMOps aims to transform large language models from isolated demos into core components underpinning intelligent applications and services.



Bijit Ghosh

CTO | Senior Engineering Leader focused on Cloud Native | AI/ML | DevSecOps