RAG+ Chain of Thought ⇒ Retrieval Augmented Thoughts (RAT)

Bijit Ghosh
8 min readMar 27, 2024


In the rapidly evolving field of NLP and LLMs, researchers are constantly exploring new techniques to enhance the capabilities of these models. One such technique that has garnered significant attention is the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) approach, which combines the generative power of LLMs with the ability to retrieve relevant information from external sources. However, a recent innovation called Retrieval Augmented Thoughts (RAT) takes this concept a step further by leveraging the Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting technique, promising to mitigate hallucination and improve factual correctness in language model outputs.

The RAT approach is built upon the foundations of RAG and CoT, combining the strengths of both techniques to create a powerful and versatile solution for language understanding and generation tasks. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of RAT, exploring its underlying principles, implementation details, and the insights gained from its application across various domains.

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Before diving into the specifics of RAT, it is essential to understand the concept of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). RAG is a technique that combines the generative capabilities of LLMs with the ability to retrieve relevant information from external sources, such as knowledge bases or document collections.

The RAG approach typically involves two main components: a retriever and a generator. The retriever is responsible for identifying and retrieving relevant information from external sources based on the given input or prompt. This retrieved information is then passed to the generator, which is an LLM trained to generate relevant and coherent responses by leveraging both the input and the retrieved information.

By incorporating external knowledge into the generation process, RAG models can produce more informative, factually correct, and context-aware outputs compared to traditional LLMs that rely solely on their training data. This approach has proven particularly useful in question-answering tasks, where the ability to retrieve and incorporate relevant information from external sources is crucial for providing accurate and comprehensive responses.

The Chain of Thought (CoT) Prompting Technique

Another key component of RAT is the Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting technique, which has been shown to improve the reasoning capabilities of LLMs. The CoT approach encourages LLMs to break down complex problems into a series of intermediate steps or “thoughts,” effectively simulating the step-by-step reasoning process that humans often employ when solving problems.

By prompting the LLM to generate a chain of thoughts, the model is encouraged to articulate its reasoning process explicitly, potentially mitigating the tendency of LLMs to produce outputs that may seem plausible but lack a coherent underlying rationale. This explicit reasoning process can help to identify and correct potential mistakes or inconsistencies in the model’s output, ultimately leading to more reliable and interpretable results.

Retrieval Augmented Thoughts (RAT): Combining RAG and CoT

The Retrieval Augmented Thoughts (RAT) approach combines the strengths of both RAG and CoT, leveraging the ability to retrieve relevant information from external sources while also encouraging the LLM to articulate its reasoning process explicitly through the chain of thoughts prompting technique.

The implementation of RAT typically follows these steps:

  1. Prompt the LLM with a question or task using zero-shot Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting. This initial prompt encourages the LLM to generate a series of intermediate thoughts or reasoning steps to solve the problem.
  2. For each intermediate thought or reasoning step generated by the LLM, retrieve relevant information from external sources using the question or task prompt and the specific reasoning step as queries.
  3. Based on the retrieved context relevant to the prompt and the current reasoning step, revise or refine the chain of thoughts steps accordingly. This step allows the LLM to incorporate the retrieved information into its reasoning process and adjust its intermediate thoughts as necessary.
  4. Finally, generate a final response or solution using the revised chain of thoughts steps and the retrieved context. This final output aims to provide a comprehensive and factually accurate answer by leveraging both the LLM’s reasoning capabilities and the external knowledge retrieved from relevant sources.

By combining the retrieval capabilities of RAG with the explicit reasoning process encouraged by CoT, the RAT approach aims to mitigate the hallucination and factual inconsistencies that can sometimes occur in LLM outputs. The retrieved information serves as a grounding mechanism, providing the LLM with relevant context and factual knowledge to incorporate into its reasoning process, while the chain of thoughts prompting ensures that the reasoning process is transparent and can be refined or corrected as needed.

Implementation Details and Considerations

Implementing the RAT approach involves several practical considerations and potential challenges. One key aspect is the choice of retrieval mechanism and the external knowledge sources to be used. Various retrieval techniques, such as sparse vector representations (e.g., BM25), dense vector representations (e.g., DPR), or a combination of both, can be employed. The quality and relevance of the retrieved information heavily depend on the chosen retrieval technique and the breadth and depth of the external knowledge sources.

Another important consideration is the potential computational overhead introduced by the iterative nature of the RAT approach. Each intermediate reasoning step requires a separate retrieval operation, which can lead to a significant number of LLM calls and retrieval operations per answer. This overhead may pose challenges in terms of computational resources and latency, especially in real-time or high-throughput applications.

To mitigate this issue, researchers have explored various optimization techniques, such as caching retrieved information, parallelizing retrieval operations, or employing more efficient retrieval mechanisms. Additionally, the trade-off between the number of intermediate reasoning steps and the overall performance of the RAT approach should be carefully evaluated and optimized for the specific task and use case.

Insights and Performance Improvements

The RAT approach has been applied across various domains, including question answering, code generation, creative writing, and task planning, yielding valuable insights and performance improvements. One notable observation is that RAT can lead to significant performance boosts compared to simple RAG or CoT approaches when applied to tasks that require reasoning and factual correctness.

For instance, in the context of code generation, RAT has been shown to improve the performance of CodeLlama, a state-of-the-art language model for code generation, by 5.79% on the HumanEval benchmark. This improvement can be attributed to the combination of external knowledge retrieval and the explicit reasoning process encouraged by the chain of thoughts prompting, which helps mitigate the hallucination of incorrect code and ensures that the generated code adheres to the specified requirements and constraints.

Similarly, in the domain of creative writing, RAT has demonstrated the ability to produce more coherent and factually consistent narratives by leveraging external knowledge sources and guiding the LLM’s reasoning process through the chain of thoughts prompting. This approach can help overcome the tendencies of LLMs to generate plausible but factually incorrect or inconsistent narratives, leading to more engaging and believable creative outputs.

It is important to note that the relative performance improvements of RAT compared to other approaches, such as simple RAG or CoT, may vary depending on the quality and capability of the underlying LLM. Larger and more powerful LLMs, such as GPT-4, have been observed to benefit more from the RAT approach compared to smaller models like GPT-3.5. This can be attributed to the improved in-context learning and reasoning capabilities of these advanced LLMs, which can better leverage the retrieved information and the explicit reasoning process facilitated by RAT.

Relation to Other Approaches and Patterns

The RAT approach shares similarities with other patterns and techniques in the field of LLM augmentation, such as the ReACT agent pattern and the general concept of retrieval-augmented models. The ReACT agent pattern, proposed by Anthropic, involves an iterative process of prompting an LLM, retrieving relevant information, and refining the prompts based on the retrieved context. While RAT shares some conceptual similarities with this pattern, it specifically emphasizes the use of the Chain of Thought prompting technique to facilitate explicit reasoning and incorporates the retrieved information into the reasoning process.

Additionally, the RAT approach can be seen as an extension or enhancement of the general Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) approach, which focuses on combining LLM generation with external knowledge retrieval. However, RAT goes beyond simple RAG by incorporating the Chain of Thought prompting technique, encouraging the LLM to articulate its reasoning process explicitly and refine its intermediate thoughts based on the retrieved information.

Future Directions and Challenges

While the RAT approach has shown promising results and has the potential to enhance the performance and reliability of LLMs across various tasks, there are several challenges and future directions that need to be explored:

  1. Retrieval Quality and Knowledge Source Curation: The quality and relevance of the retrieved information play a crucial role in the effectiveness of the RAT approach. Improving retrieval techniques, curating high-quality knowledge sources, and ensuring the diversity and coverage of these sources are ongoing challenges that require attention.
  2. Computational Efficiency and Scalability: As mentioned earlier, the iterative nature of the RAT approach can lead to computational overhead and latency issues, particularly in real-time or high-throughput applications. Exploring more efficient retrieval mechanisms, caching strategies, and parallelization techniques can help mitigate these challenges and improve the scalability of the RAT approach.
  3. Interpretability and Explainability: While the Chain of Thought prompting technique encourages LLMs to articulate their reasoning process explicitly, there is still a need for more advanced techniques to enhance the interpretability and explainability of the RAT approach. Improving the transparency and understandability of the reasoning process can increase trust in the outputs and facilitate better human-AI collaboration.
  4. Domain Adaptation and Transfer Learning: The performance of the RAT approach may vary across different domains and tasks. Exploring techniques for effective domain adaptation and transfer learning can help leverage the strengths of the RAT approach across a wider range of applications and domains.
  5. Integration with Other Techniques: The RAT approach can potentially be combined with other techniques and approaches in the field of LLM augmentation, such as memory architectures, reinforcement learning, or multi-task learning. Exploring these integrations can lead to further performance improvements and expanded capabilities.


The Retrieval Augmented Thoughts (RAT) approach represents a powerful combination of techniques that leverages the strengths of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and the Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting technique. By encouraging LLMs to articulate their reasoning process explicitly and incorporating retrieved information from external sources, RAT aims to mitigate hallucination and improve factual correctness in language model outputs.

While the implementation of RAT introduces computational challenges and considerations, the potential benefits in terms of performance improvements and enhanced reliability make it a promising avenue for various language understanding and generation tasks. As the field of natural language processing and large language models continues to evolve, the RAT approach, along with other innovative techniques, will play a crucial role in pushing the boundaries of what is possible with these powerful models.

Ultimately, the success of the RAT approach, and other LLM augmentation techniques, will depend on continued research, innovation, and collaboration within the broader AI community. By addressing challenges related to retrieval quality, computational efficiency, interpretability, and domain adaptation, researchers can unlock the full potential of these techniques and pave the way for more reliable, accurate, and trustworthy language models that can truly augment and enhance human capabilities.



Bijit Ghosh

CTO | Senior Engineering Leader focused on Cloud Native | AI/ML | DevSecOps