Top LLM Dev Tool and when to use them in your AI Stack

Bijit Ghosh
5 min readOct 1, 2023



The advent of large language models (LLMs) has opened new horizons for AI capabilities. However, productively leveraging these powerful models requires specialized tools tailored for software developers.

Lets explore the top four open source LLM developer tools:

  • LangChain — Simplified framework for LLM integration
  • LlamaIndex — Vector store for LLM-based search
  • Haystack — End-to-end pipeline for document search
  • Helicone — Framework for querying GPT models

For each tool, I will cover:

  • Core capabilities and architecture
  • When to use for various AI applications
  • Hands-on code examples to apply the tool
  • Key takeaways on strengths and use cases

Equipped with insights on these leading solutions, you will be ready to turbocharge your AI projects using state-of-the-art LLMs. Let’s get started!


LangChain provides a clean interface for integrating LLMs into applications using Python. Developed by Anthropic, LangChain speeds up LLM development.

Key Capabilities

  • Simple APIs for text generation, classification, QA, search, translation
  • Chaining prompts for complex workflows
  • Tools to load data and fine-tune models
  • Extraction of model embeddings
  • Explainability of model behavior
  • Modular backend connectivity to LLMs

When to Use LangChain

LangChain excels in these scenarios:

  • Rapidly prototyping LLM concepts before custom coding
  • Building MVPs and proofs of concept with LLMs
  • Productionizing LLM applications with model monitoring, governance
  • Democratizing LLM access for non-experts through easy APIs
  • Experimenting with various LLMs by swapping backends

Code Example

from langchain import LLMChain, PromptTemplate
summarize = PromptTemplate("Summarize this text: {text}", input_variables=["text"])chain = LLMChain(llm=my_llm, prompt_template=summarize)summary ="Today Microsoft announced record Q3 revenue numbers...")

This condenses long text through a simple prompt template.

Key Takeaways

  • Simplest way to leverage LLMs with minimal coding
  • Ideal for rapid prototyping and experimentation
  • Adds model governance for production use

In summary, LangChain makes LLMs highly accessible for beginner and advanced LLM developers alike.


LlamaIndex creates vector indexes of text for ultra-fast semantic search using LLM embeddings. Developed by Anthropic.

Key Capabilities

  • Indexing millions of text passages as vectors
  • Semantic text search via vector similarity
  • Support for 8+ open source embedding models
  • Cloud-native deployment on Kubernetes
  • Python and REST APIs for integration

When to Use LlamaIndex

LlamaIndex is purpose-built for:

  • Building advanced search applications with LLMs
  • Semantic search based on meaning rather than keywords
  • Few-shot learning by providing relevant examples
  • Recommender systems using vector similarity
  • Large-scale production document retrieval

Code Example

from llama_index import LlamaIndex
index = LlamaIndex("my_faq.knn")
results ="How do I reset my password?", k=3)

Finds semantically similar FAQ answers.

Key Takeaways

  • Lightning fast semantic search leveraging LLMs
  • Ideal for search, recommendations, retrieval
  • Handles millions of documents at scale

LlamaIndex brings enterprise-grade vector search to LLM applications.


Haystack provides an end-to-end pipeline for building document search interfaces using LLMs. Developed by deepset.

Key Capabilities

  • Multi-language document store integrations
  • Text vectorization using models like sentence-transformers
  • Scalable indexes for vector similarity search
  • REST APIs and UI components for search interfaces
  • Extractive QA to find answer passages

When to Use Haystack

Haystack excels for:

  • Search interfaces over large document collections
  • Standardizing document processing and LLM integrations
  • Extracting answers from documents rather than generating text
  • Building internal knowledge management search for enterprises

Code Example

from haystack import Finder
from haystack.document_store import ElasticsearchDocumentStore
doc_store = ElasticsearchDocumentStore()
finder = Finder(document_store=doc_store)prediction = finder.get_answers(question="What is the return policy?")

Retrieves indexed documents that answer the question.

Key Takeaways

  • Complete pipeline for search and QA over documents
  • Great for internal knowledge management search interfaces
  • Handles document ingestion, search, and answer extraction

Haystack provides all the building blocks for search and QA-driven applications.


Helicone assists querying the open source GPT model like Bard/Bloom/Claude/PaLM through a Python framework.

Key Capabilities

  • Simplified functions to query Bard/Bloom/Claude/PaLM models
  • Tools to upload custom datasets and fine-tune Bard/Bloom/Claude/PaLM
  • Analyze model behavior by computing token attributions
  • Explain model decisions for transparency
  • Deploy optimized Bard/Bloom/Claude/PaLM containers to production

When to Use Helicone

Helicone is ideal when:

  • You specifically want to leverage Bard/Bloom/Claude/PaLM GPT model
  • Your priority is customizing models on proprietary data
  • Model transparency and auditability are critical
  • You want optimized Docker images for low-latency serving

Code Example

from helicone import completion
prompt = "Summarize this text: " + my_textsummary = completion(prompt=prompt, model=my_claude_model)

Calls Bard/Bloom/Claude/PaLM through Helicone to summarize text.

Key Takeaways

  • Focused on simplifying use of open source model
  • Specialized fine-tuning and explanation tooling
  • Optimized for low-latency model serving

Helicone turbocharges working across the model development lifecycle.

Use Case Scenarios: Harnessing the Power of LLM Tools

Let’s explore some real-world examples that demonstrate applying these tools across the AI project lifecycle:

Use Case 1: Chatbot Development

  • Use LangChain to rapidly prototype conversational interactions
  • Fine-tune Bard/Bloom/Claude/PaLM via Helicone on domain documents to improve chatbot relevancy
  • Index documents with Haystack to allow chatbot to search for answers
  • Monitor chatbot with model cards from Helicone to improve transparency

Use Case 2: Content Generation

  • Employ LangChain for initial content generation prompts
  • Load LlamaIndex with existing documents to provide examples
  • Use Bard/Bloom/Claude/PaLM fine-tuned by Helicone to generate higher quality content
  • Monitor content risk with Helicone explanations

Use Case 3: Data Exploration and Analysis

  • Build semantic search over data with LlamaIndex
  • Use Haystack to extract answers from data sources
  • Analyze data clustering and semantics with Bard/Bloom/Claude/PaLM via Helicone
  • Create data visualization apps with LangChain’s text generation

Use Case 4: Model Deployment and Monitoring

  • Containerize Bard/Bloom/Claude/PaLM with Helicone for scaled serving
  • Deploy LLMs with low latency using LangChain governance features
  • Monitor models using Helicone’s explanations for transparency
  • Index model behavior over time via LlamaIndex for auditing

These examples demonstrate the end-to-end value of applying LLM tools through the AI lifecycle. By combining their strengths, impactful AI applications can be built rapidly and responsibly.


This guide provided an in-depth exploration of LangChain, LlamaIndex, Haystack, and Helicone — four leading tools for building with large language models.

Key takeaways:

  • LangChain greatly simplifies integrating any LLM through Python
  • LlamaIndex powers blazing fast semantic search over documents
  • Haystack provides a pipeline for search and QA interfaces at scale
  • Helicone focuses on efficient use of Bard/Bloom/Claude/PaLM model

Based on your specific AI applications, these tools can save significant development time and provide state-of-the-art capabilities. By mastering their strengths, you can build robust, production-ready LLM solutions faster than ever before.



Bijit Ghosh

CTO | Senior Engineering Leader focused on Cloud Native | AI/ML | DevSecOps