React Native : Redux Easy Way to Start

Bijoy Mohanta
2 min readMay 28, 2019


Really i have big fascination to use Redux to React Native Apps, anyway lets start.

What is Redux ?

Redux is a state management library, and is often used with React Native to simplify data flow within an app. … When we will complete with this article, we will have a better understanding of when (and when not) to use Redux, and we’ll be able to use Redux in your React Native applications.


Globally state management entire Apps.

Structure and Data Flow [Flux Architecture]

Data in a Flux application flows in a single direction:

React Native Flux Pattern
React Native Redux Pattern *Reducer [View →Actions →Reducers →Store(Update) →View(Rendered)]


React Redux 7.x requires React 16.8.3 or later.

To use React Redux with your React app: npm install react-redux


React Redux provide <Provider /> which makes the Store is available to the rest of your App or entire Apps.


React Redux provide a connect function to connect our component with store.

Generally we connect our component by following ways

Simply dispatch ADD_AMOUNT action *this amount is view multiple screen entire Apps through props

Reducer & Action Types

It initialize action wise new state which actually dispatch from view under a specific action.


How to use this amount entire my apps?

Hope this article saves your time and make your development easy in react native with Redux. If it helps you in anyway, don’t forget to clap! Thanks :)

Thanks to all

