You are a god’s special creation, love yourself!

Bijoy Santra
3 min readFeb 18, 2021



You are special. You are precious. You are unique. Do you know you are specially selected by god to make His theory of Diversity is Divinity? Yes! You are so lovable creation of God in this universe. God has created everybody in this universe using His unique mould. You will be amazed that no two entities in this colossal universe is duplicate of other. Hence it is proved that there must be some solid reason behind this astounding fact. There must be a strong purpose for which its creator is always incline to diversity. Now by obeying this logic we have to accept that we are here to fulfil some divine goal of creator. Hence it is proved that we everyone of us is special, we are valuable, we are matchless gift of great God. We are distinctive in the sense of our ethics, qualities, behaviour, culture and many more parameters.

Why you are special?


Have you ever noticed, how a mother of a child of any species gives love & affection just after giving birth? She never discriminates among her children based on outer shape, colour or how he looks like attractive or ugly of her children; whoever takes birth as her child she gives the most precious love to her child. This is the beauty of our mother nature. It applies to each & every species in the world.

Do you know where this quality has come from? You are hundred percent correct! This quality has come from our creator, our supreme father, GOD. This is comparable with our material world. Some qualities which we bear with us match with our parents. This helps us to rich a theory that our supreme father have the same qualities but in whole quantities. We are having these divine qualities with us in part but GOD has these qualities in whole amount. This is the difference.

So, from above conclusion, we can understand that diversity is the tendency of our nature our creator. So, why we should treat ourselves ignored. We are in fact everyone of us is a part of this creation. We have a specific role to play in this beautiful world. God is creator, we are HIS creation. We are not undesirable, unwanted in this nature. We have been created for a special purpose. Now, it is our duty to find out that purpose and do out duty whole heartedly to make our creator happy.

We can understand with an example. Suppose your friend invented a beautiful device or a modern machine. Now, if that machine does not work as per his intention in spite of putting too much effort how your friend will feel? Does he feel happy or unhappy? The same thing is applicable in case also. We are the the most amazing invention of GOD. Think if we do not work as per HIS intention would GOD be happy? Not at all!

So, consider yourself as GOD’s special creation and do work to make HIM happy.

Stay happy! Be Positive!



Bijoy Santra

I am a dreamer. I dreamt to see this world free of anxiety. Everybody should be happy. I'm an engineer by profession.