Vector databases — a gentle introduction

Biju Krishnan @ DataSiens
4 min readJul 17, 2023


In the vast landscape of data science, vector databases have emerged as a powerful tool for storing and leveraging vector embeddings. These databases enable the storage of vector representations for various types of data, such as text, audio, images, and even videos. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of vector databases, understanding the concept of vector embeddings and the invaluable role these databases play in facilitating vector similarity searches. Join us on this exciting journey as we explore the potential of vector databases and their applications in diverse industries.

Vector embeddings for images, text and audio

Understanding Vector Embeddings

To comprehend vector databases, it’s essential to grasp the concept of vector embeddings. Put simply, a vector is a numerical representation that captures the meaning and relationships between different items. As data scientists, you might already be familiar with Word2Vec, a neural network model that learns vector representations for words based on their contextual usage in large text corpora. These vector embeddings have revolutionized natural language processing tasks such as sentiment analysis, machine translation, and text classification.

Expanding to Other Data Types
Vector databases go beyond text embeddings, encompassing various neural network models specialized in creating embeddings for different data types. For instance, ConvNet is extensively employed to generate vector embeddings for images, while VGG-ish is designed for audio embeddings. Additionally, Bert has gained popularity for creating text embeddings, offering enhanced contextual understanding.

Unleashing the Power of Vector Similarity Search:
Once the content is vectorized, vector databases enable us to perform vector similarity searches. This entails comparing the similarity between vectors using various techniques, such as cosine similarity, which measures the angle between vectors to determine their similarity. It’s important to note that most text embeddings typically span hundreds of dimensions, providing a rich representation of semantic content beyond mere two-dimensional comparisons.

Applications and Benefits

Applications benefitting from Vector Search

Vector similarity search holds immense potential across diverse industries. In the realm of e-commerce, it enables online retailers to suggest visually similar products to customers by finding similarities in image embeddings. Imagine effortlessly discovering visually analogous products based on the power of vectors. Likewise, vector similarity search finds applications in natural language processing, allowing us to identify similar documents, sentences, or words based on their semantic content.

In fields like security and law enforcement, vector similarity search contributes to fingerprint recognition and facial recognition, enabling rapid and accurate identification of individuals. By leveraging the power of vectors, these applications enhance public safety and security.

Live Demo

Test out an application built on top of vector database to get a feel of how it can impact your business. This demo uses the built in Vector Search capabilities of Redis Enterprise to show how unstructured data, such as images and text, can be used to create powerful search engines.

Vector databases have revolutionized the way we store and leverage vector embeddings, opening up a world of possibilities in data science and machine learning. By harnessing the power of vectors, we can perform efficient vector similarity searches, enabling applications such as visual product recommendations, semantic matching, and advanced recognition systems. As you embark on your data science journey, remember to embrace the power of vector databases and the transformative impact they can have on your projects. Stay curious, explore further, and let vector databases unleash the true potential of your data-driven endeavors.

If you’re interested in learning more about data architecture, I encourage you to enroll in my course on Udemy. The course covers all aspects of data architecture, including vector databases.

Data Architecture for Data Scientists on Udemy

We hope you found this whirlwind overview of vector databases and vector similarity search enlightening. If you have any questions or insights to share, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Thats the end of the course on Data Architecture for Data Scientists. I’ll soon be adding two more chapters and if you wish to be notified, click on Follow next to my profile picture on medium.



Biju Krishnan @ DataSiens

I have over 20 years of experience in helping enterprises manage data, and more than half of this in building scalable platforms for analytics, AI and ML.