Taipei Self-Driving Revolution: Navigating the Future

Richard Miller
5 min readFeb 5, 2024

Exploring Taipei has taken a futuristic leap with the introduction of self-driving vehicles that maneuver through its bustling streets. Autonomous transportation isn’t just a concept here; it’s a palpable innovation that Taipei residents and visitors like myself get to witness and engage with daily. The city, renowned for its skyscrapers and night markets, is now also a playground for technology enthusiasts eager to see the future of urban mobility in action.

A car navigating through Taipei's busy streets, surrounded by towering buildings and bustling traffic

I’ve observed that Taipei’s approach to self-driving technology is unique — a blend of the city’s commitment to innovation and its rich cultural fabric. The Taipei Self-Driving Gharry project, for example, is a fascinating initiative that transforms a traditional horse-drawn carriage into a smart, autonomous vehicle. It shows the city’s intention to modernize while respecting the past. It’s not every day you see a city that can integrate cutting-edge technology so seamlessly with historical charm, but Taipei does just that.

The streets here are alive with the buzz of technological advancement as these autonomous vehicles navigate complex urban environments. As someone particularly interested in the fusion of technology and everyday life, witnessing Taipei’s seamless integration of self-driving vehicles is an exciting testament to the city’s forward-thinking spirit. The…



Richard Miller

As a writer and reader, I immerse myself in Medium's vibrant community. Here, diverse narratives spark my creativity and forge deep connections.