Sony’s Real-Time Tracking Autofocus

The Future of Photography will take some adjustment

5 min readFeb 7, 2019
The a9 in San Diego.

It’s remarkable that after 2 weeks, the a9 firmware update is still making the news. Since it launched, Panasonic released new cameras and Canon buttressed their mirrorless offering with lenses. In showbiz that’s called having legs. In cameras, it’s new tech everyone is still trying to figure out. What’s driving the news cycle is Sony’s Real-Time Tracking Autofocus.

The News Cycle

The game-changing Sony’s AF tech is in the a9 firmware update shipping this Spring. The camera calculates the focus, locking onto a subject, and the photographer can freely compose. I experienced “freeform composing” at an event in San Diego where Sony had the new firmware uploaded on demo cameras. Even before the update to add real-time tracking autofocus, I observed this about the a9

There’s nothing impeding the flow and the camera acts almost bionically with you, it’s truly being in the moment with technology and creativity. Sony calls that Kando. I’m fascinated by it.

The fascination includes shooting sports, fashion, street, astro, and landscape. Then, it was the focus speed and Eye-AF that engaged me. Now, the camera does all that and will lock and track an object you choose.

