Bikini Luxe
3 min readNov 27, 2017


5 Ways To Help Organize Your Fitness Goals

This is the year for you to choose to start a new, and healthy lifestyle. Let’s try and make this new year great by achieving the many things we have on our new year resolutions list. How can you manage to keep it going the whole year you ask? It’s time to become more active, change your eating habits, and get accustomed to this new lifestyle. Here are 5 different ways to help you stay focused throughout the year.

1. Set Clear Objectives

What do you really want out of this year? Take the time to really think about it and write it down as you go. You have to come up with a clear objective to follow throughout the year in order for you to see your accomplished goals. Remember you’re doing this for you and only you.

Are you looking to:

  • Lean out
  • Lose Weight
  • Tone Up
  • Stay Healthy

2. Start Now

There are many instances in life where we say we’re going to start something one day and always put it off for another. It’s time to take that out of your mentality and start today. Grab your sneakers and get ready for the first workout of the year, even if it’s only for 10 minutes. Every minute counts and the results will show.

3. Invest Money

It’s time to toss out the old sneakers that have been sitting in your closet for years and get a new pair. Nothing is more motivating than cute new gym clothes and accessories. You should be able to feel comfortable and beautiful in whatever you’re wearing. Let’s update your wardrobe with some fun activewear clothing that will motivate you.

Bombshell Blue Sock Leggings

4. Keep A Record Of Your Progress

It is extremely important to keep record of your progress. Each and every day that you workout make sure you take the time afterwards to jot what you did down so you can see your progress. Being able to see the progress you make in such a short period of time will be your ultimate motivation to keep going. If you don’t keep track of what you’ve done, you’ll never see any progress. Do it to keep yourself motivated.

5. Never Give Up

The more you stay consistent in working out on a daily basis, the more it becomes a habit. You aren’t going to want to workout everyday but just think about the satisfaction that you’ll feel afterwards. Be aware of how your body is feeling and do take into consideration that your body will need rest. Never give up on your goals and always be proud of your accomplishments.

Read our recent article on post-holiday detox smoothies and stay fit through the holiday festivities.

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