The Greatest Humanitarian: Abdul Sattar Edhi

Bilal Rashid
6 min readJan 18, 2019


There is no such example like Edhi sb who entirely devoted himself to Humanity, he sacrifices his family, his money, even his personal and social life to do better for humanity. He was serving humanity without any interest or benefit. His life was very simple. In his childhood, his mother gave him two paisa, one for himself and one for any needy. He learned serving humanity in his childhood from his mother. He was very fond of serving the poor and needy people.

“Nobel Prize means nothing to me, I only care about HUMANITY”

Abdul Sattar Edhi

When he was at the age of 11, one day he was going to play football with some of his friends when he saw a man with very bad condition. There were many wounds on his body and he was shivering with fever. Edhi sb said his friends to go. Then he took this man to his home and cleaned his wounds and give bandage. Then he gave him food to eat because the man was very hungry for many days. On next day miracle happened, the wounds of the man recovered. He took him to the mosque where he talks to him because that doesn’t talk with except Edhi sb. He taught Edhi sb how to read the Quran, in fact, Edhi sb started passing most of his time in the mosque. After 21 days in the morning, Edhi sb go to the mosque, as usual, to give food to person but he didn’t find him there. He started searching him for many days but not found. After that day, he decided to serve humanity.

“My Religion is Humanitarianism which is the basis of every religion in the world”. Edhi Sb

He did much work like selling milk on the streets, street hawking, he also sells fabrics to get some money, then he opened a dispensary in a small room where poor can get medicines at low cost 24/7. He sometimes sleeps on the table in the dispensary. He said he was very fond of driving an ambulance then after some years, he got some donation of 20000 Rs. He used half of it to by blue van for ambulance and half of it he invested on dispensary. He started begging to collect some money to establish a welfare center for needy people. He was uneducated but he single-handedly managed to establish Edhi Foundation in 1951.

He said “I do not have any formal education what use is education when we do not become human beings. My school is the welfare of humanity”

He always said if anyone found any child, any old man any women who don’t have any shelter or home just bring to us we will take care of him/her. Many NGOs and organizations try to give him money but he refused and he is serving humanity and he will take money from people of Pakistan.

He has been given more than 200 awards in respect of his services for humanity.

“Social welfare was my vocation, I had to free it,” he said in “A Mirror To The Blind.”

I discussed his story of small beginning which he started by giving one paisa to needy. He believes that just take action then keep hard working God will help you.

My #JustStart Project

Sometimes we do many things without knowing the consequences of doing this. Some of them to make us busy, some for enjoyment purpose and some of them to check our abilities, whether we are able to do this or not.

Here I want to share my story on my first attempt to use my education in the practical field. During my graduation, me and my 4 were always thought to start a business after graduation. There were many ideas in our mind some said we should do work on drinking water, some said we should start textile dyes business etc. We give our group name as BAANI, it is first name letter of each one. We wanted to do this to become self-independent without relying on any family member. Also, we wanted to do something our family because they have done a lot for us in bringing us to this point.

Last week me and my 4 friends we gathered at one’s home for a get-together. We started discussing our future plans, what we have to do because now we graduated and whether we should try to start a new business or apply for MS in abroad. We were not thinking of jobs because we had already applied for it there was no response. Then eventually one of them said being Chemical Engineer we should start a small business of making grease, we just make fun of him because we didn’t know the market strategies. Somehow then we discussed what will be the best procedure to make grease because we wanted a fine quality grease that can compete with any other the market. We were discussing this in just funny way that we can be rich in a few days and our product will be everywhere and where we have to open our outlet to sell grease this was just all fun. But then on the next day, we gathered again and started working on it without thinking how we can manage money for it. We go to the bazaar and buy all the relevant equipments and chemicals also assign some sort of work to every person like some have to find out best procedure for making grease some have to set up all equipments for experiment etc. On the very next day, we started performing experiments. We did 3 experiments on that day and unfortunately not succeed in even in single one.

Ingredients for grease
Grease Making
Bad Quality Grease

We were very disappointed, but this thing makes us think again about the procedure. Then we came to know that the chemical we are using has a high melting point and we can’t able to reach that temperature at home. Then we bought some new chemicals with lower melting point. After that in the entire week, we performed at least 10 experiments and we are improving day by day. We are hoping to achieve good quality grease soon.

During this, I faced many challenges like, I did a market survey and I go to the bazaar to find out chemicals and then I realize we can’t able to know our capabilities without jumping into practical life and exploring it. In the end, I learned from it that we should start small beginnings, and then let the work teach you. It is also a very famous quote “God helps those who help themselves”. In the future, I want that I may successfully produce our required product and start selling it.

This is my story of #juststarting.

