IDS’ Brexit fanaticism has harmed Chingford more than most

Bilal Mahmood
3 min readJun 28, 2016


Over the past five years, Chingford’s MP has been at the heart of decisions that have ruined the lives of many here in our community. As Work and Pensions Secretary he humiliated those most vulnerable in society, forcing many to rely on food banks whilst costing us more money than he saved with the ill fated bedroom tax. Now as one of the leaders of the divisive Leave campaign, he has brought our nation into disarray and our residents into conflict with each other. Such choices may have been made in Westminster but they have hit hard in Waltham Forest. Its time we held him accountable for the damage he has done and will do to our area in the months ahead with his follies — and worked together to address it.

As I was campaigning in Chingford and Woodford Green in 2015, I saw the great changes it was going through. It is a vibrant community, proud of its history, but also eager to become more mobile, more active and most of all, more diverse. But it’s also a community that requires support from its leaders in ensuring it has access to adequate healthcare and support for local businesses. That’s why I publicly pushed IDS to do more to help our local hospital, Whipps Cross, work themselves out of special measures and explore ways of restructuring the Barts and London Trust crippling PFI debt.

Many residents have told me of the shock and anger they felt, in the days after Britain voted to leave the EU to see one of the first peopele on TV was IDS reneging on one of the Leave campaign’s main promises. The £350 million that he said we were spending on the EU won’t actually go to the NHS at all. For those of us who have seen first hand how our healthcare services are struggling such a promise broken is unforgiveable. Whipps Cross is still in special measures and the many young families and elderly who really need good local services are left adrift.

I chat to many Chingford residents in the morning as we all travel into town for work. Like me, they’re on their way to make a living for their families, many being part of Britain’s financial sector. They know first hand how their MP has let them down in his fight for Britain to leave the EU. This is an industry that generates 7% of our GDP and relies on EU passporting and our place in Europe to maintain London as the financial centre of the world. In the four days since the result, sterling is at a 30 year low (meaning our salaries go less further), billions have been wiped off from the value of our companies (putting jobs and private pensions at risk), we’ve been downgraded as a country by ratings agencies (taking away our gold standard for foreign investment) and the Leavers apparently have no plan to tackle this.

This shows a breathtaking lack of foresight and judgement. Following the decision on Thursday we are we are with the EU, though I really wish we weren’t. But we don’t have to accept representation like this as a community. The hardworking people of Chingford and Woodford Green need an MP that will fight to make sure their jobs, pensions and businesses are secure in these times of uncertainty. They need someone not now reneging on the promises they made, leaving it to others to sort out the mess created by Brexit, but determined to secure the best deal for our country and our community. With so much uncertainty the next few months will be critical for many local residents — it is not a time to be the quiet man but to speak loudly for social justice. If you want to help me ensure IDS is held accountable and fight for a better future for Chingford and Woodford Green get in touch.



Bilal Mahmood

Lawyer. Social Mobility Advocate. Former Labour Parliamentary Candidate, Turning Blue Red in Outer London. Vice Chair, Labour in the City @bilal_labour