ABDUL SATTAR EDHI — Father OfDistress Nation

Bilal Hassan Niazi
5 min readMar 21, 2018


Tribute to be expected,Great Nation never forget its heros,but who was Abdul Sattar Edhi , 90% of our Youth don’t know his real contributions ,Selfless Edhi .

I have always tried to read autobiographies of great Politicans, History makers but never got a chance to read about Real Hero. We always believe that this system is running due to some angels. Abdul Sattar Edhi was one of the angel .My interest and curiousity to know more about him got increased with every page of book I covered .

Edhi Sab collecting money on foot path ..

Abdul Sattar Edhi’s Father Abdul Shakoor Edhi was his spiritual Guardian and his mother was very gentle ,sensitive and quiet.She was the one who insisted him to do good deeds rather just being religious. She had not received formal education and even did not know how to say namaz but she made the Abdul Sattar Edhi as Father of Distress Nation .She always filled his pocket with two coins in morning advising him to give one to poor and on his return to home she used to inquire him ,she can detect his answer and taunt him by calling him selfish .In month of Ramadan she would give him packets of foodstuff to drop in front of needy people homes.He was very too sensible but he flushed into anger when he ever seen somebody teasing the distress ,homeless and helpless people.He himself was too religious since from his childhood .He wasn’t good in studies therefore he started to work on cloth shop and saved a portion of money on his own.Once he was going to play in ground he saw a helpless person lying aside of mosque he rushed to home for food and medicine.He provided him food and medicine for 21 days .He always dreamed for big his friends used to make jokes on him but he stood firm with his dreams .

Two years ago, when I was in second year of my Engineering ,I heard about the our university security guard that he had been suffering from Glaucoma (Kala Motia) for two years but due to lack of resources and being one to feed his family .He hadn’t concerned the Doctor even ,this made me shocked therefore I with my friends denoted a part of money ,we took an appointment of best eye surgeon available in Faisalabad and we took him with us .Doctor examined him ,prescribed him few medicine and recommended him a initial treatment which was gonna cost 10k therefore ,I with my friends started a compaign and Alhumudilah we received more than required amount .We gave that money to that guard ,It was such a peaceful thing for all of us and we were feeling proud of ourselves.Abdul Sattars Edhi life is a role model for all of us .In this mean world where everyone thinks of his own profit and benefit but Edhi’s mother contribution in his character building is remarkless Hence it is proved that Great woman always give great son to soil.The way her mother used to inquire about the money she gaved him for poor and used to taunt him after detecting lie .

Just Start Project :

In Amal Academy I was assigned with a project that was to start any anything which I was thinking to do for long time ,so my Just Start Project is simple as “I just wanted to revise my Chinese Language course which I have done in last year” but I have forgotten that language with time so I decided to go through all of curriculum of my course again as it was an additional point in my resume and was going to differentiate me from others candidates .

I have been trying to do this but I wasn’t motivated much ,I loose interest after reading first lesson because I have to begin from first page or sometimes my tough Schedule comes in my path. Now this time when I started this activity I faced some challenges like the first challenge was to find notes which I might have lost therefore I googled some easy notes and downloaded lectures from Youtube channel.Now I have started this activity and promised myself to revise one lesson a day .

Basically after commitment to yourself there comes few task you have to perform that operation or activity so I followed same procedure .The basic tasks which I have to do this activity were 1).Make a commitment to myself 2).Rescheduling my timetable 3). Notebook and pen

After pointing out the tasks I realized that making a commitment is a biggest challenge I faced because of tough routine of university life sometimes its harder to find time for yourself even but for good future you have to compromise on some matters therefore as revising this language is gonna give me advantage in future seeking for a job ,therefore I made a decision to carry this activity with my routine studies . I will revise one chapter in a day which I learnt before therefore next step was to overview my timetable so I can repeat this activity on daily basis and last one was to make a note book of all lessons.

After performing these tasks and starting this activity I came to the result that a human being is capable of doing anything if he is continuously motivated and courage is given to him .Even Edhi sab used to think big ,get courage and motivation from his mother to do big .

I have completed all the task and going to continue this activity in future and Thank you Amal Academy for just putting the courage inside me .Now InshAllah I m gonna pass this courage,motivation and impact to my friends so that they also start working on their good skills that might help them in future .

