3D in Flutter: Adding a New Dimension to Your Mobile Apps

3 min readJul 1, 2024

Flutter, known for its cross-platform prowess and beautiful UI capabilities, has been steadily expanding its reach into the realm of 3D graphics. While not its primary focus, Flutter offers several tools and libraries that empower developers to incorporate 3D elements into their mobile applications. Let’s explore how you can bring this exciting dimension to your Flutter projects.

Why 3D in Mobile Apps?

  • Enhanced Visual Appeal: 3D graphics can elevate the visual appeal of your apps, making them more engaging and memorable for users.
  • Interactive Experiences: From product showcases to educational tools, 3D models can create interactive experiences that captivate your audience.
  • Gamification: 3D elements are essential for game development, but they can also be used to add gamified elements to non-gaming apps.
  • Data Visualization: Complex data can be presented in a more intuitive and visually appealing way using 3D charts and graphs.

Flutter’s 3D Arsenal

  • Flutter 3D Library: The core Flutter framework provides basic 3D capabilities through the Transform widget, allowing you to rotate, scale, and translate 2D widgets in a 3D space.
  • vector_math: This library is essential for working with 3D vectors and matrices, which are fundamental to 3D transformations and calculations.
  • flutter_cube: This library specializes in rendering 3D models in Flutter. You can load models from various formats (e.g., .obj, .stl) and manipulate them with ease.
  • model_viewer: Google’s model_viewer package lets you display interactive 3D models directly from the web. This is great for quick integration without dealing with complex model loading.

Getting Started with 3D in Flutter:

  1. Project Setup: Create a new Flutter project or open an existing one. Add the necessary dependencies (e.g., vector_math, flutter_cube, model_viewer) to your pubspec.yaml file.
  2. Model Loading: Use flutter_cube or model_viewer to load your 3D models. These libraries provide convenient ways to handle common 3D file formats.
  3. Transformations: Employ Transform widgets or the Matrix4 class from vector_math to rotate, scale, and translate your models. Experiment with different transformations to achieve the desired visual effects.
  4. Lighting and Materials: Enhance the realism of your 3D scenes by adding lighting and materials. Flutter 3D libraries often offer ways to customize the appearance of your models.
  5. Animation: For truly dynamic 3D experiences, explore animation techniques. Flutter’s animation framework can be used to create moving 3D objects.

Displaying a 3D Model:

import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;
import ‘package:flutter_cube/flutter_cube.dart’;

class My3DModelApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(‘My 3D Model’),
body: Cube(
onSceneCreated: (Scene scene) {
scene.world.add(Object(fileName: ‘assets/my_model.obj’));
scene.camera.zoom = 5;


Flutter might not be the first tool that comes to mind for 3D development, but its growing ecosystem of libraries and its inherent flexibility make it a surprisingly capable platform for adding a touch of 3D magic to your mobile applications. Whether you’re looking to create stunning visuals, interactive experiences, or even simple 3D elements, Flutter has the tools to make it happen.

As the Flutter community continues to evolve, we can expect even more powerful 3D capabilities to emerge. So, don’t be afraid to experiment, push the boundaries, and discover the exciting possibilities that 3D in Flutter has to offer. The third dimension awaits!




Individual Software engineer.Flutter Hybrid . Native Android