Why should you use FastAPI over other web frameworks?

3 min readNov 7, 2023


FastAPI is a modern and popular Python web framework that has gained significant traction in the web development community. There are several reasons why you might consider choosing FastAPI over other web frameworks

This is me choosing a web framework nowadays:)

FastAPI is a high-performance Python web framework known for its speed, automatic documentation, type safety, data validation, simplicity, and strong ecosystem. It’s a top choice for building efficient and well-documented APIs, suitable for a wide range of projects.

1. Fast and High Performance: FastAPI is known for its exceptional performance. It is one of the fastest web frameworks available for Python, thanks to its asynchronous capabilities. It leverages Python’s asynchronous features to handle concurrent requests efficiently, making it suitable for high-traffic and real-time applications.

2. Automatic Documentation: FastAPI generates interactive and user-friendly API documentation automatically based on your code and type hints. It uses the OpenAPI standard, which makes it easy for developers to understand and consume your APIs. This feature is highly beneficial for both developers and API consumers.

3. Type Hints and Validation: FastAPI encourages the use of Python type hints. It automatically validates incoming data against these type hints, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors. This type hint-based approach also improves code maintainability and makes it easier to work with data structures.

4. Easy to Learn and Use: FastAPI’s simple and intuitive syntax, as well as its similarities to Flask and Django, make it relatively easy to learn and use. If you’re already familiar with Python, you’ll find it easy to get started with FastAPI.

5. Strong Support for Asynchronous Programming: FastAPI fully supports asynchronous programming, allowing you to write non-blocking code that can handle multiple concurrent requests efficiently. This is crucial for building scalable and responsive web applications.

6. Dependency Injection: FastAPI’s built-in dependency injection system simplifies the management of components, such as database connections, authentication, and other services, and promotes code modularity and reusability.

7. WebSockets Support: FastAPI provides native support for WebSockets, making it a suitable choice for building real-time applications like chat, live dashboards, and multiplayer games.

8. Automatic Data Serialization: FastAPI handles data serialization and deserialization for you, making it easy to work with JSON, forms, query parameters, and more. This saves you from writing a lot of repetitive code.

9. Extensible: FastAPI is highly extensible and allows you to integrate with other Python libraries and frameworks as needed. You can leverage third-party libraries and tools to enhance your application.

10. Strong Community and Ecosystem: FastAPI has a growing and active community, which means there are numerous resources, extensions, and packages available. You can find a wealth of documentation, tutorials, and support online.

11. Production-Ready: FastAPI is built with production deployment in mind. It provides support for security, authentication, testing, and deployment, making it a suitable choice for building robust, secure, and scalable web applications.

12. Compatibility: FastAPI is designed to work seamlessly with other technologies and is compatible with both modern and legacy systems. You can integrate it with databases, third-party APIs, and other services without much hassle.

and finally, Python is the programming language used for developing backends using FastAPI.;]

While FastAPI has many advantages, the choice of a web framework should also depend on your specific project requirements, team familiarity, and the ecosystem around the framework. FastAPI excels in building high-performance APIs and real-time applications, making it a strong contender for such use cases. However, for other types of projects, you may want to evaluate different frameworks to find the best fit.




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