The Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Unworthy Servants

Understanding Humility and Service

3 min readMar 27, 2024
Jesus depicted as an African

“Suppose one of you has a servant ploughing or looking after the sheep. Will he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, ‘Come along now and sit down to eat’? Won’t he rather say, ‘Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink’?
Luke 17:7–8

The Parable of the Unworthy Servants, as narrated in Luke 17:7–10, provides profound insights into the principles of humility and service within the context of discipleship. Through this brief yet impactful story, Jesus imparts valuable lessons about the attitudes and expectations of servants in relation to their master.

In this parable, Jesus employs a common scenario of a master and his servant to illustrate a deeper spiritual truth. He presents a rhetorical question to his audience, prompting them to consider the actions of a master towards his servant. When the servant returns from working in the fields, the master does not immediately invite him to rest; instead, he instructs the servant to prepare his supper and attend to his needs first. Only after fulfilling his duties may the servant partake in his own meal.

Through this analogy, Jesus highlights the principle that servants should not expect special recognition or praise for merely fulfilling their obligations. Just as the master does not express gratitude to the servant for obeying his commands, disciples of Jesus should adopt a similar attitude of humility and service. Jesus emphasizes that when disciples have done all that is commanded of them, they should acknowledge themselves as unworthy servants who have simply fulfilled their duty.

This parable challenges conventional notions of service and reward, urging disciples to cultivate a heart of humility and obedience in their relationship with God. Rather than seeking recognition or accolades for their actions, disciples are called to serve wholeheartedly, understanding that their service is a response to the grace and love they have received from their master.

Furthermore, the parable underscores the asymmetrical relationship between the master and the servant, highlighting the importance of submission and obedience in discipleship. While the servant’s role is to obey and serve the master, the master’s role is to command and provide for the servant’s needs. This dynamic emphasizes the authority of the master over the servant and the servant’s duty to faithfully carry out his commands.

Ultimately, the Parable of the Unworthy Servants teaches disciples to approach their service with humility, recognizing their unworthiness before God and acknowledging their duty to serve him faithfully. By embracing a posture of humility and obedience, disciples honor God and fulfill their calling as servants of the master.

Kindly take note that the images of Jesus as portrayed above may not be the true depiction of Jesus’ true appearance and should not be taken as actual fact. The reader should use their own discretion, spiritual faculties, and intuitive perception to perceive and deduce the actual truth in the matter.

Discover the timeless wisdom of Jesus Christ through The Parables of Jesus Christ: The Key Tenets of the Kingdom of God. In this illuminating book, readers will embark on a life-changing journey into the heart of Jesus’ teachings, exploring the profound truths hidden within his parables.

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