Two uses of the word “盘”(pán) as a Measure word

Bilingo Chinese
3 min readOct 29, 2021




Measure words have always been easy to make mistakes and difficult points in everyone’s Chinese learning. Some words have many uses and are difficult to master. If you can find out some of its rules, it will be easier to learn. Today, we will learn the word “盘” first.

作为器物量词 As a container quantifier


“盘” itself is an artifact, so when “盘” is used as a quantifier, one of its usages is to use it as an artifact quantifier. For example, “一盘菜”, in simple terms is to use our utensils “plate” to serve a dish, or we can also say “一盘点心”, “一盘肉”, “一盘面”, “一盘薯条” and so on.

作为个体量词 As an individual quantifier


When “盘” is used as an individual quantifier, it is usually used in some chess, ball games or games, such as “下一盘棋”, “一盘象棋”, “一盘跳棋” and so on.



Bilingo Chinese

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