IT HAPPENED! Elon Musk’s $10000 Home FINALLY Hitting The Market!

Bill Robbins
8 min readDec 15, 2022


Tesla’s founder and CEO has just unveiled a ten thousand dollar house which is promising to revolutionize the real estate sector. How spacious is this futuristic house? What is it made of, what utilities does it offer, and does Tesla own one?

Lets explore everything to do with elon musk’s ten thousand dollar house that has hit the market by storm there are many companies which the tesla ceo founded before his housing company his aim to make life sustainable and comfortable on the blue planet he recently founded the boring company whose aim is to reduce traffic for the busy american citizens who need to catch up with pressing businesses he aims also to go beyond earth as he plans to make life multi-planetary as his core aim is to help humanity in fact musk stopped all tesla payments using bitcoin because bitcoin uses a lot of computational power which is powered by fossil fuels according to musk fossil fuel is the worst human experiment by far consequently due to the core values of tesla they withdrew all tesla payments using bitcoin so this is a man who practices what he preaches therefore it comes as no surprise that he decided to launch a sustainable housing plan through the boxable company they are way different from traditional houses and might soon change how we view housing in the near future by now we have seen what musk is capable of doing and his ten thousand dollar house does not disappoint but first things first what is boxable boxable is a tremendously innovative company that helps to solve the problem of affordable housing and homelessness this company may be new to you as it is not often mentioned among elon’s most popular companies when in fact it is part of tesla the good thing is now you are in the know the company was co-founded by galiano tiramani and his father paolo tiramani who is the current ceo previously referred to as casito the company has spent less than seven years in the market since its founding year in 2017.

The two founders wanted to make housing sustainable by providing a better cheaper and faster way of constructing houses by developing construction compatible with assembly line mass production. When Musk joined the boxable team, he introduced even better ideas that made the product worth spending all of your fortune on. Prior to the founding of boxable, several attempts to create sustainable houses had been weak and not as revolutionary. However paolo tiramani came up with the original idea of creating foldable houses. His method of achieving this was to build a house with factory-built room modules, but he encountered many shipping problems because the houses were too bulky to fit on the highway. This is the same reason why he used factory-built modules. As of now, housing has not been able to scale up since shipping wide lows requires extra follow cars and time-consuming routines and travel times. Boxable was finally able to solve this problem as the rooms fold up from large 20-foot room modules. This has led to the mass production of factory-built homes sooner than expected. At Musk lives in a 50 thousand dollar prefabricated home in boko chica.

The world’s richest man allegedly sold all his property he claimed yeah sold my houses except for one in bay area that’s rented out for events working on sustainable energy for earth with tesla and protecting future of consciousness by making life multi-planetary with spacex this is not the first time he wrote such statements sometime back musk wrote that he would sell all his physical possessions and would not own a house for a sustainable lifestyle or just being a minimalist is a choice he best understands otherwise the tesla ceo seems to be comfortable with his life so how many people does musk stay with in his small foldable home he has six children triplets and a set of twins from his marriage with the novelist justine and baby x and why his marriage with grimes.

The Tesla CEO co-parents with his ex-wife justine and does not stay with all the children for now he stays with his son baby x to this end he is proud of his small home and calls it more homey compared to his previous home enough of the boxable bubbling what does it even offer the boxable houses come with a range of different rooms typical to modern houses it has a full-size kitchen with a view a fridge dishwasher oven and well-fitted cabinets the bathrooms are fitted with a deep shower a vessel sink rested on a large counter and a backlit mirror the doors of the bathroom are enclosed with a sliding barn door giving it a well-deserved finish the sitting room comes with a standard size of 19.5 feet by 19.5 feet while the floor is decked with a wide plank composite flooring to maintain the warmth during winter.

on it rest say washing machine and dryer the 9.6 foot ceilings are fitted with the most modern heating and air conditioning so you won’t have to worry about summer or winter also the huge eight foot windows and doors ensure maximum lighting as a bonus the house comes with a built-in ironing center that’s not even the half of it the prefab house has its walls made of the most sustainable but simple materials they have been tested to prove their durability in harsh weather condition the roof specifically can withstand snowy conditions including the weight of snow generally boxable is made of steel concrete and eps foam these are materials that don’t easily degrade the floor roof and walls of the prefab house are made of structurally laminated panels that are more resilient than the average building they have been rated for hurricane speeds and are found to handle the worst wind situation in north america these sustainable house designs conform to and exceed the design of most of the building codes mold can be a nuisance around the home especially during floods and humid conditions.

As a result, boxable is different as the materials are less likely to grow mold leaving your home always looking and smelling new thanks to the materials that don’t use common lumber or sheetrock unfortunately nothing inboxable is fireproof howin boxabledesign was made with fire resistance in mind for instance the house’s interior and exterior were made with non-combustible materials so any flying embers that spread forest fires won’t set your home on fire utilities like electric plumbing and hvac all come pre-installed from the factory and are plugged in on site to the exterior corner of the boxable now let’s look at what resonates with other people’s interests the prefab house is powered by six solar panels fitted on the roof the panels are capable of offering more than the required energy to run all the household appliances and this must target sustainable housing by making houses independent of utility cooperation.

the house is fitted with a 2 kilowatt photovoltaic system these are supported by the tesla power walls installed on the exterior of the walls to store energy both in the day and night a tesla app is used to control and monitor the energy cycle according to musk the solar electricity devices are designed for use in typical residential for self-consumption of solar energy and emergency backup the solar panels borrow the design from batteries used in tesla cars and are created to take up energy store in and retrieve energy in case of an outage or anything of the sort when sunlight hits the photovoltaic tiles on the roof they are absorbed in the solar cells and thus create a direct current the direct current is then sent to the solar inverter which changes it to the alternating current that can power your appliances the tesla solar powered roof come with some insane advantages when your system produces excess power it goes to the power wall or sometimes is sent to your utility.

The most exciting part is that you can use this energy to charge your electric vehicle which can cut your EV charging cost talking about costs tesla homeowners will be able to save up to 92 percent of their utility costs spent on electricity when using electricity during off-peak hours when the electricity demand is lower and opting for solar energy during high peak hours when the electricity demand is higher and the rate expensive boxable homes are designed to be compatible with any products from solarcity this means reduced installation cost and increased adaptability in periods of low sun the boxable homes implement the use of sustainable green technology for starters boxable ensures that the materials are most durable by working on prototypes for protracted periods to see that the materials will not be degradable over time to achieve this musk’s prefab company uses materials like plywood and polyurethane for insulation while at the same time achieving a high-end look.

Moreover the materials are made of non-reactive or harmful chemicals which is a commendable trait for a sustainable green home not to mention that the materials can last a lifetime. If you are considering having a boxable made, place an order for only ten thousand dollars. This excludes the shipping and setup costs shipping costs will vary depending on where you live. Therefore, if you live far away you will have to spend more time in boxable factories. Las Vegas will receive free delivery. Setup costs, however, will depend on the location and the complexity of the site, and can range anywhere between 5 dollars and fifty thousand dollars, depending on the company. Since the manufacture of the first boxable thousands of people around the world have reached out to invest in the company.

Plus the company has received over forty thousand orders from around the world these orders are so overwhelming that they’ve had to put them on a waitlist which would take about a year before these aspiring owners receive their homes finally boxable offers aspiring boxable owners a choice of financing the company follows the process of connecting you with its financing partners on this there are several loan options available the financing partners will actively reach out to you to discuss loan options before boxable finalizes your boxable order you could even finance your boxable with a 30-year mortgage so what are you waiting for try it out many real estate experts agree that elon musk’s ten thousand dollar house is the perfect solution to the problem of housing.

