3 Spiritual Growth Questions All Spiritually Ambitious Christians SHOULD Ask, But Don’t

Do you want to know the 3 questions (and answers) every spiritually ambitious Christian should ask to identify a productive spiritual path to follow, (but don’t?)

Bill Todd


The first step is to determine if you are a spiritually ambitious Christian. You can do so by answering these two questions:

  • Do you have great big ideas of what you want your faith to look like?
  • Do you long to experience a rich, connected soul life with God?

If your answer to either question is yes, then you are a spiritually ambitious Christian. (I’m glad you are here.)

And because you are a spiritually ambitious Christian then you need to read this article immediately to get the answers to the questions you probably don’t even know to ask.

#1 Question You SHOULD Ask:

(Image courtesy of renjith krishnan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

How do I know that I am growing spiritually?”

Why is this question important?

This question of “How do I know that I am growing spiritually?” is critical because we make the entire process of spiritual growth more complicated than it is. Spiritually ambitious people have forged many paths that we can follow. When we follow the path that they have shown us, we can experience what they have experienced.

What’s the answer to the question of how do I know that I am growing?

The answer in this situation is Assessment.

Begin with a clear and honest picture of where you are. To experience the kind of spiritual growth that you desire, you need two things: a path and a plan.

We have all looked at a map in a mall or in a park and found the dot that tells us “You Are Here.” You want a clear picture of where you are today. You want to know the starting point of your journey so that you can measure your progress.

A spiritual director can be an essential partner in deterimining both a path and a plan.

#2 Question You SHOULD Ask:

(Image courtesy of artur84 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

“How do I deal with not feeling “good enough?”

Why is this question important?

Because our feelings determine our actions, or lack of action. Here’s an example.

Have you ever had a deadline looming over your head, and instead of working on the project that is due, you start to clean or reorganize things around the house?

Experts say that the desire to organize is a response to our feelings of unrest over the project. We choose to organize our environment instead of addressing the feelings that we carry inside about the imminent deadline.

In much the same way, we often avoid prayer (and other spiritual practices) with busyness. You may fear connecting to God because you feel unsure about His feelings toward you. You may avoid God because you don’t feel good enough about who you are.

Of course, you would never say this out loud. But it happens just the same.

What’s the answer to the question of how do I deal with not feeling “good enough?”

The answer in this situation is Be Present. Learn to live in the love of God. Live in the verses of the Love of God.

You can do this right now. Take a few moments and ponder on this truth from New Living Translation of Titus 3:4,5 :

When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.

#3 Question You SHOULD Ask:

Image courtesy of aopsan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

“How do I not trigger my fear of failure?

Why is this question important?

This question of how do I not trigger my fear of failure is important because it makes us look at the ways that we sabotage our own spiritual growth. Here’s an example:

When the Psalmist wrote “Be still and know that I am God,” he was telling you that, to be in relationship with God, you need to settle down and become peaceful and still. By and large, we all agree that this is a good idea.

However, no one teaches you how to be still.

And when we don’t feel that we know how to do something, we avoid doing that something.

And not doing that something makes us feel like a failure.

And we will do anything to avoid feeling like a failure.

It’s an ugly cycle.

So what’s the answer to the question of how do I not trigger my fear of failure?

The answer in this situation is to work with a person who can show you cultivate silence, to center your soul and truly be still so that you can listen to God and learn from Him.

A spiritual director is a great ally in learning these skills and growing your competency. Fear of failure wilts in the presence of skill and competence.

Now that you know the 3 Spiritual Growth questions all spiritually ambitious Christians SHOULD ask (and the answers) I’d like to invite you to further discover how Spiritual Direction might help YOU!

Is it time to tell the story that only you can tell?

I can help you. You desire a rich, connected soul life. I provide spiritual direction to help you make that life a reality.

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Bill Todd

Desire a Rich, Connected Spiritual Life? I provide spiritual direction to make that life a reality. Get your free five-day course here. cutt.ly/billtodd