The Cyclic Group G of Order p


In discrete logarithms — as used in the Diffie-Hellman and ElGamal methods — we use the form:

Y = gˣ (mod p)

and where p is a prime number. The values of h will range from 0 to p-1. This is defined as a finite field (ℤp). If we use a prime number of 13, we will get values of 0, 1 … 12.

But how can we be sure that every value of x (from 0 to p-1) will give a unique output of Y?

Cyclic group G of order p

In reading about cryptography, have you ever come across the term of a cyclic group G of order p and with a generator g? This article will hopefully explain what this means.

And so with discrete logarithms and the Diffie-Hellman method, we end up with:

Y = gˣ (mod p)

where we have a generator value (g) and a prime number p. The challenge is that even though we know Y, g and p, it is extremely difficult to determine the x value, if we use a large prime number. One method is baby-step, giant step [here].

So can we use any value of g, and should it be as large as possible? The answer to both of these questions is “No!”. If select a prime number of 7, and then select g values of 2, 3, 4 …9, and then calculate the results we get:

Now look at g=2, we get an output of 2, 4, 1, 2, 4 … for the sequence values of x=1, 2, …6. This means that we do not get a unique output for the values from 1 to 6 (where the maximum value will be six as we take the modulus of 7). But look at g=3, we get 3 (3¹ mod 7), 2 (3² mod 7), 6 (3³ mod 7), 4 (3⁴ mod 7), 5 (3⁵ mod 7), and 1 (3⁶ mod 7), which means that we get a unique value for all the possible outputs from 1 to 6, and which then repeats. For a prime number of 7, the valid values of g are 3 and 5.

But, in order to demonstrate the principle, I have done this is a long-handed way, so how do I find out all the possible values of G for a given prime number (p)? Well here’s a nice simple method in Python that I created to test up to p):

import sys
import random
p=11def getG(p): for x in range (1,p):
rand = x
next = rand % p
while (next <> 1 ):
next = (next*rand) % p
exp = exp+1
if (exp==p-1):
print rand
print getG(p)

You can try with here:

Here is a quick demo



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.