Funding for Undergraduate Students of Classical Philology, Ancient History, and Classical Archaeology

Bill Beck
5 min readAug 1, 2019


The Gortyn code

To accompany my compilation of funding opportunities for graduate students, I have compiled an annotated list of funding opportunities for undergraduate students of classical philology, ancient history, and classical archaeology. Sources of funding are organized into two categories: (1) funding for undergraduate study and (2) funding for current undergraduate students who intend to pursue graduate study. If I have omitted anything, please let me know in the comments.

Funding for Undergraduate Study

The Sportula: The Sportula offers need-based microgrants ($5-$300) to undergraduate students of Classics.

Minority Scholarship in Classics and Classical Archaeology: The Committee on Diversity in the Profession of the Society for Classical Studies offers a summer scholarship of up to $4,500 to a minority undergraduate student from North America who wishes to pursue the study of classics or classical archaeology. Eligible proposals might include (but are not limited to) participation in classical summer programs or field schools or language training.

American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) Summer Session: Funding is available for undergraduate students to attend the Summer Session at the ASCSA. More information here and here.

The Alison Barker Travel Scholarship: The Classical Association of New England awards a scholarship of up to $750 for educational travel to classical sites to an undergraduate who shows particular interest in the classics.

Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship: Grants of $1,000 are available to students who wish to participate in an archaeological field work project for the first time. Deadline: March.

CAMWS Excavation/Field School Award: Three scholarships in the amount of $2000 are awarded annually to support participation in summer excavation or field school at an archaeological site in the Greco-Roman world. Deadline: January.

Phyllis B. Katz Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Research: A prize of $200 is awarded to the author of the best undergraduate research paper focusing on some aspect of ancient Mediterranean languages, literature, history or culture. Deadline: February.

CAMWS Faculty-Undergraduate Collaborative Research Projects: Two research grants of up to $1,000 are awarded annually to support collaborative research between a faculty member and an undergraduate. Deadline: December.

Mason A. Stewart Undergraduate Award: An award in the amount of $1,000 is available to outstanding undergraduate students majoring in Classics at the sophomore or junior level at a CAMWS college or university. Deadline for nominations: January.

CAMWS Award for Outstanding Accomplishment in High School or Undergraduate Classical Studies: A complimentary one-year membership in CAMWS is awarded to outstanding high school and undergraduate students of classical studies. Nomination deadline: May.

Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia: A scholarship of $5,000 is awarded annually to a qualifying senior undergraduate or graduate student pursuing a graduate degree full-time at an accredited university or professional school. Academic excellence is the primary consideration for this scholarship.

CAMWS Latin Translation Contest: Cash prizes, book awards, and awards of commendation are awarded to qualifying winners of the Latin Translation Contest. Registration deadline: November.

National Latin Exam, New Latin Educators Scholarship: Scholarships of $2,000 scholarships are available to college students who intend to teach pre-collegiate Latin. Deadline: February.

Manson A. Stewart Teacher Training Award: Teacher Training Awards provide financial assistance to current CAMWS members who wish to obtain certification to teach Latin at the primary through the secondary level. Deadline: January.

Funding for Language Study: Many scholarships are available to those who wish to attend CUNY’s Latin/Greek Institute. Stavros Niarchos Foundation Scholarships provide tuition grants of up to $3,600 to outstanding applicants with demonstrated financial need. Up to twenty-five scholarships are awarded every summer. The Floyd L. Moreland Scholarship Fund and the Christina M. Dunkle Memorial Fund offer partial tuition scholarships for students with demonstrated financial need. The Hardy Hansen Prize awards up to two stipends of $500 each to support tuition costs. For students who wish to attend the Greek or Latin Summer Workshops at UC Berkeley, the Department of Classics offers up to eight tuition rebates of $3,000. The Medieval Academy of America offers financial support for promising undergraduate students participating in summer courses in medieval languages or manuscript studies.

Funding for Undergraduate Students to Pursue Graduate Study

Lionel Pearson Fellowship: Funding of up to $24,000 is available for one graduating senior to undertake graduate study at an English or Scottish university for one year. Deadline: October.

The Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans: Funding is available for new Americans, immigrants or the children of immigrants, who are pursuing graduate school in the United States. Each Fellowship supports one to two years of graduate study in any field and in any advanced degree-granting program in the United States. Each award is for up to $25,000 in stipend support (not to exceed $40,000), as well as 50 percent of required tuition and fees, up to $20,000 per year, for one to two years. The first year of Fellowship funding cannot be deferred. Deadline: November.

Fulbright Grants for Graduate Study Abroad (IIE): Country-specific fellowships are available for graduating seniors who wish to undertake graduate study or conduct research outside the US for an academic year.

GACUK Scholarships in Greek Archaeology: The Greek Archaeological Committee UK provides funding for five Greek and Cypriot-Greek graduates in archaeology to undertake post-graduate studies and research in Greek archaeology in British Universities. Applicants must be holders of First Class awards and their financial circumstances be such that they would require assistance towards further studies. Deadline: July.

The Sally R. Davis Graduate School Scholarship: A scholarship in the amount of $2,000 is available to college seniors wishing to pursue graduate study in order to teach of Latin and/or Greek at the pre-collegiate level.

Classical Association of New England Certification Scholarship: Funding of up to $1000 to an outstanding junior or senior undergraduate in New England who is preparing for secondary school certification as a teacher of Latin or Greek or both in one or more of the New England states, or to the holder of a Master’s degree to cover the cost of tuition and other fees required to obtain such certification. Deadline: February.

Bill Beck is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Indiana University, Bloomington. He tweets daily Greek Etymologies @GreekEtymology. You can find links to his writing here.

