Red? 3 Steps to Keep Hitting your Goals.
3 min readMay 21, 2020


A problem our users face is it’s difficult to consistently hit their goals.

Here’s 3 tips to help you consistently hit your goals Today.

Step 1. Know what’s your Groceries and your Baby

Your baby is the most important thing you need to do Today to hit your Week’s goal. Your groceries are everything else.

Since you’re awesome and already using Berlocks to hit your goals, you know what your baby is. Your baby is your Big Elephant. (Remember the one goal that you’re willing to walk across a thin piece of wood atop two tall buildings set aflame?)

Think about it… Are your groceries really worth dropping your baby for?

Is reading your second book more important than writing your business plan?

Is surfing more important than talking to users to understand their problem?

Is feeling too emotional about the job market more important than not applying?

Yes, some days your baby will not be related to your Week’s goal. Some days it will be to get a big project at work done, or taking care of your toddler, or helping your wife study. Some days but not all days.

That’s the key to prioritization. It’s easy to say drop the groceries and save the baby because it’s an extreme example. But when you have your day job, or laundry, or meetings it’s harder to choose. That’s what it means to prioritize — to do the most important thing and sacrifice secondary things. The more you prioritize the important things, the easier it becomes.

One tip to make it easier is to setup days for certain tasks. Mondays through Wednesdays can be for studying. Thursdays and Fridays can be for cleaning and laundry.

Step 2. Set your Today’s goal on Berlocks

We’ve made it easy for you to know what to do Today to hit your Week’s goal. Just ask yourself ‘What do I have to do Today to hit my Week’s goal?’

My week’s goal is to get 12 total users and the most important thing I can do Today is to spend 1 hour on forums getting users. Once done, I mark it complete, and the progress bar turns green. 🎉

Today on Berlocks has 10x helped me understand what’s important and what’s not. It gives me back control of my life and my goals.

Step 3. Just Do It

All goals are achievable. People have built successful companies, gotten jobs, filmed incredible movies, coordinated the biggest music concerts, built meditation apps, etc. It’s all possible.

At the end of the day (and our lives) we’re judged only on a few things — if we were good people, if we had a good family life, if we did something that helped others.

He had been talking quietly with them all, exhorting them never to stop their learning and their practicing and their striving to understand more of the perfect invisible principle of all life. Said Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

Don’t make excuses because it gives control of our lives to something or someone else. Then we’re no longer the creator of circumstance but it’s creature. Then we can’t stand up for ourselves or the people we love.

I believe you each one of you. Hit green and I’ll see you on Sunday. connects 2 Friends to set goals and keep each other accountable. If you’re interested, check us out at

