The Birth of Crypto-Constitutionalism

Bill Gleim
2 min readNov 23, 2014


Bitcoin and the future of mankind

Cryptoconstitutionalism is the belief that blockchain ledger technology will better serve free men in taxation, budgetary and legislative functions than elected representatives in best-of-class governments.

Cryptoconstitutionalism is a belief in the medium of blockchain ledger technology to express the will of the people under principles determined by voting citizenry.

Cryptoconsitutionalism believes that votes (legislative and budgetary) expressed through a blockchain ledger have a higher validity than best-in-class voting systems that rely on central authority validation.

Cryptoconstitutionalism re-applies constitutional republic principles that underly the Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence & United States Constitution toward a higher form of participatory governance. This new form of participatory governance, among other attractive properties, removes the largest source of corruption inherent in best-in-class constitutional republic systems of governance.

Cryptoconstitutionalism is founded on the essays of Nick Szabo (smart contracts), Minsky (privacy and accountability in digital voting systems), Satoshi Nakomoto (Bitcoin blockchain ledger), and others.

Cryptoconstitutionalism relies on advances in alternative cryptocurrencies including those related to privacy (e.g., Darkcoin, Zerocoin), public exposition of data (e.g., Namecoin), alternative block validation mechanisms (e.g., Peercoin), and defense against a 51% attack vulnerability.

Smart contracts (and, as a result, cryptoconstitutionalist systems) require a human layer between the system itself and the humans participating in the system. Cryptoconstitutionalism is the belief that the role of elected officials should naturally be restricted to an arbitration interface explicitly serving a cryptoconstitutionalist smart contract system and the humans that rely on such a system for governance.

The motivation for cryptoconstitutionalism is recognizing that the distribution of freedom among mankind has reached several high points, has fallen backward since these high points, and that the future calls for a new high point of accepted, proven and established freedom of man. Government by consent is a guiding principle, and to preserve its existence must be extended directly to taxation and budgetary operations of government.

