The Dawn of Sunshine Governance
Government for the Next Generation
The span of history has demonstrated slow-moving centralized governments required to service societies. Slow-moving and centralized governments are — now and for the next generations— fragile and not user-friendly.
Centralized government is corruptible. Slow-moving governments are not user-friendly. A slow, centralized government operates as a barrier to the self-determination of its citizens.
To remove these unwanted and fragile properties of government while preserving the benefits of governance, proposed here is sunshine governance.
Sunshine governance builds upon historical precedents. These historical precedents include the consent of the governed and absence of taxation without representation in the citizens’ determination of philosophy of government operation.
Sunshine governance replaces fragile components of current governments with anti-fragile substitutes:
Sunshine governance operates in real-time without undue delays. Sunshine governance is transparent and available for inspection by participating citizens. Sunshine governance is based on the concept of assurance contracts, with government programs proposed and funded through distributed taxpayer choice. Sunshine governance provides renewability and removability of old or expired legislation. Sunshine governance allows for frequent, threshold-based voting events to replace time period-based voting where desired.
Sunshine governance provides a template for interpersonal governance in the absence of corruption. Sunshine governance operates without preference for an underlying philosophy other than placing citizens as premier over their government, preventing the subjugation or surrender of the citizen body.
Sunshine governance provides a citizen body the corruption-free choice of philosophy — socialist or flat-tax philosophies, for example, or the progressive tax philosophy expressed in the United States — selected by a society’s voting citizens.
Making government anti-fragile is easy with recent developments allowing trust between participants transacting without a central authority. The transacting participants are — in this case — voting citizens transacting in taxes and services.
Proposed above is sunshine governance. Below are many of the defining properties of sunshine governance:
- minimized centralization of authority
- near real-time
- transparent legislation proposals
- taxpayer direction of societal contributions
- traceability of taxes and spending
- renewability and removability of legislation
- thresholds replace time periods to determine opportunities for voting
- frequent and relevant voting events
- corruption-free
- anti-fragile
- template for all philosophies