Billionaire Token has officially launched on the EOS Main Net

Billionaire Token
2 min readFeb 12, 2019

-- is the most advanced Blockchain in the world

Working together with EOS comes with many opportunities and benefits. As we have talked about in the past, our games will now have no fees and you won’t have to wait many minutes for a transaction to be mined, like on Ethereum. Why? Because EOS blocks are lightning fast (a whopping two blocks per second!)

We have just been listed on an exchange, Chaince. We are about to be listed on NewDex in the near future. Here’s a little more information about them:

Chaince — A superior blockchain asset trading platform focusing on EOS projects.

NewDex — The first EOS based decentralized exchange in the world that accounts for 70% of the trades in the EOS ecosystem.

We invite you all to play our first games — The Billionaire Token Raffle and Burner, officially launching on the 14th of February. Partnership and the Airgrab is still in open beta testing on the CryptoKylin testnet and it should go on-line rather shortly on the EOS main net.

Many have been asking about the Billionaire Token Airgrab. This should start shortly and a date will be announced on Twitter and on Telegram — so make sure to follow these channels closely for more information. The snapshot date for the Airgrab was the 20th of January 2019 and anyone with more than 100 EOS in their accounts at that date will be eligible to claim their tokens. The Airgrab will be available on popular websites such as

You will need to be swift, as once the Airgrab starts, you will only have a month to claim your tokens. After a month, we will give out the ungrabbed tokens as ‘mining’ rewards to people willing to stake their EOS as CPU resources for Billionaire Token.

The above process will take place on the upcoming — the next generation initial bandwidth offering (IBO) platform and the first of it’s kind.

Because EOS is the first cryptocurrency to offer a liquid bandwidth allowance as a function of illiquid stake ownership, tools like StakeMine (that create a middle-ground where everyday investors can leverage their primary resources like CPU and NET for token rewards) are now possible. This is a tremendously valuable milestone in cryptocurrency.

Billionaire Token will not provide a constant mining system (like most of the other projects that will be listed on StakeMine in the future). However, we see more value in offering the rest of the ungrabbed 1.1 million tokens as CPU Stake Rewards on StakeMine as opposed to burning them.

