“F*ck yo‘ shoebox money”— Billion App Playlist. Vol. 1 — Bitcoin.

3 min readJul 16, 2018


In Billion we really care about delivering some accurate information on Bitcoin and all the important things happening around, but it should be always some time for something not that serious.

Here’s a Bitcoin Playlist prepared by Billion App. All these tracks were selected in such a manner to have ‘Bitcoin’ in a name or in the name of the artist. Her’s the direct AppleMusic link. Cryptocurrency and HODL playlist to come soon. Follow us on Twitter — all news are there.

Chris Dixon was 100% right about long term advantages of decentralization. We’ve already seen this with Wikipedia. A similar (though not the same) thing happens with media — Facebook, Medium and Telegram channels bring new opportunities for publishing. Well, music is not an exception — with platforms like SoundCloud, Youtube and AppleMusic this market is not anymore fully dominated by giant recording companies, now more independent artists and smaller labels are becoming internationally famous. Thanks to this, in the last decade we all saw such a thing like Cloud Rap and a number of teenage ‘Lils’ becoming rap stars. Some local music from different countries becoming more accessible for listeners from worldwide as well. You like colombian cumbia or hip-hop from mainland China — you get it just in a few taps. Not all of this creativity is good quality — that’s another negative side of accessibility of such services. Still, it’s always better to have the opportunity to choose.

Most of these artists are looking for fame and upload their songs to be available online. They take every possibility to be noticed — Bitcoin might be kind of a tool for this. In Billion App we are all music lovers and AppleMusic subscribers since the times of its beta. Obviously, we’re bitcoiners and fortunately we’re curious. So we’ve searched for ‘Bitcoin’ on AppleMusic. Result? There are plenty of songs. Some of them are pretty good, most of them are really shitty and many of them just funny. We don’t judge. That number of songs uploaded in the past years means Bitcoin is finally becoming more popular, though many of artists don’t really understand it well. Stolen samples, music from video games, naive rhymes and word ‘Bitcoin’ repeated more than 40 times in a song — all this in willness to hype and get more attraction. Such a cultural phenomenon. We’re happy Bitcoin is that inspiring.

Who we are

Billion App is designed to become the best app for cryptocurrency daily use. With Billion it will be possible to store, send, spend, exchange and earn money.

Our links

Website: https://billionapp.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/billionappl
Telegram: https://t.me/billionapp
Download for iOS: MainNet & TestNet


We’re not the first to collect songs about Bitcoin, just something fresh. Here are the links to previous selections: Steemit article, Coinnounce selection, selection on Youtube, BitcoinTalk selection.




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