
A Comprehensive Solution on Abortion vs the Current One-sided Scheme

Women risk all for sex, men risk nothing. Equalize the risks, then both sides, fleeing the hysteria & faulty logic, will find a solution.

Bill Myers
Curated Newsletters
10 min readMay 28, 2019


Pro and Anti Abortion Fanatics. Photo by Richard Lee on Unsplash


  • Someone said, “Antiabortionists are so worried about the fetus, but don’t care about the baby after it is born.” The Supreme Court made one big mistake with Roe-v-Wade when addressing the first half of that statement. They inserted a fuzzy middle between two solid decisions — room for constant bickering. I’ll address that. Also, the Court, Congress, religions, nobody, seriously mentions the other half of the abortion problem. This article identifies both parts and proposes a workable solution.

A unique approach

My proposal could change the entire debate, culture and infrastructure of the United States.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results!
Corollary: attacking half of a problem and expecting a full solution.



Bill Myers
Curated Newsletters

William “Bill” Myers, Analyzes all, Programmer, retired. If you learn anything new, find enjoyment, have a new thought, I’m successful. Photo: 1st article 1982