
Is Your Story Well-Written? How Do You Know?

My Manager: What is obvious to you is usually not obvious to anybody else

Bill Myers
Curated Newsletters
6 min readNov 6, 2019


Photo by sps universal on Unsplash

Any Text

The same question applies to Facebook, text messages, and any other written communication. Will people understand your presentation at work? What are you doing to be more clear?

Medium contains numerous articles explaining writing mechanics and automated tools, but how do you know your article is effective before you publish it?

Will the reader get your points?

Will grammatical issues be annoying enough to prevent them from finishing?

Is the structure irritating?

You can do only so much yourself. Computer tools have limits. You make subconscious assumptions when proofreading your story.

Whatever you have written can probably be better, without spending a lot of extra time.

Use independent proofreaders

What to do? You can hire an editor, read your article to friends, publish blindly, or do what I did - join a writers club.



Bill Myers
Curated Newsletters

William “Bill” Myers, Analyzes all, Programmer, retired. If you learn anything new, find enjoyment, have a new thought, I’m successful. Photo: 1st article 1982