Michigan Has A Reason to Cheer This Tax Season

Bill Schuette
3 min readApr 18, 2018


Bill Schuette

April 18, 2018

As a conservative, tax season puts a laser focus on government spending and just how much money is taken from our paychecks. This tax season, however, in addition to Opening Day for the Tigers, we have something else to celebrate. Thanks to President Trump’s economic leadership this is the last tax-filing season taxpayers will be forced to function under the old, broken tax code.

Next year, families will be able to fill out their taxes under a simplified system that allows them to keep more of what they make, stretching paychecks further. For the average working family in Michigan, the first $24,000 of income will be tax-free, and the child tax credit for each child under 17 was doubled from $1,000 per kid to $2,000. This means that Michigan moms and dads will save money.

West Coast liberals like Nancy Pelosi may dismiss this tax cut as “crumbs” but I suggest she talk to real Michigan families. The machinists, cops, school teachers and stay at home moms I know will take that savings and help pay their mortgage, put food on the table, and hopefully save a little for their kids and retirements. Every dollar matters.

Congressmen Paul Mitchell, Mike Bishop, Tim Walberg, John Moolenaar, David Trott, Fred Upton, Jack Bergman, Justin Amash, and Bill Huizenga deserve our thanks for voting for this historic tax relief bill. Not only is it putting more money back in the pockets of hard-working families, it’s bringing jobs back to our state from Mexico and other foreign countries.

Thanks to the Trump tax cut, Chrysler announced that it would be bringing 2,500 jobs from Mexico back to Southeast Michigan to build more Ram Trucks. Chrysler also provided its Michigan workers with a $2,000 bonus check. This is what strong conservative leadership can achieve for Michigan.

As your next governor, I will build on this momentum by eliminating Jennifer Granholm’s income tax hike, once and for all. Granholm’s disastrous governorship and her liberal legacy are still hurting us today. For example, her income tax hike was supposed to be temporary. Sadly, it’s become a permanent fact of life for hard-working Michigan families who have sent $8 billion more of their paychecks to Lansing because of this tax hike.

The lingering damage from Granholm’s governorship has left Michigan still 250,000 lost jobs in the hole. To put that number in perspective, 250,000 working people would fill the seats in the Big House in Ann Arbor more than twice over. It’s a lot of lost jobs and we need to get them back.

While I will eliminate the Granholm income tax without hesitation, my opponent in the race to become Michigan’s governor has an entirely different record. Brian Calley stood with Jennifer Granholm and supported her high tax and spend policies, which resulted in 15 percent unemployment and punished Michigan families. And he deserted the president, which could have led to a President Hillary Clinton, meaning Michigan families and job creators would not be talking about tax cuts during this tax season.

As your governor, I’m going to lead with conservative policies that make Michigan the growth state and I have a Paycheck Agenda to get it done. Step one will be to eliminate the Granholm income tax hike so you can keep more of what you earn, Michigan employers can create more jobs, and we can all have something to celebrate next tax season.

Tax reform was successful at the federal level thanks to President Trump. Now we need a governor with a true conservative track record who will make it happen at the state level.

Bill Schuette is Michigan’s attorney general and conservative candidate for governor.




Bill Schuette

Michigan’s Attorney General. Running for governor to make Michigan the jobs and growth state. #PaycheckAgenda