IOT Use Cases and Innovation in IOT

There isn’t an IoT company in the industry that doesn’t need a totally killer app to make them stand out from the pack. In the IoT realm one of the most difficult things to accomplish is to identify the most promising of use cases. Unique and innovative uses for IoT are cropping up every day.

The main issue is that IoT as a field is nothing short of gargantuan. IoT runs the gamut from tiny medical devices implanted in the body to electrical meters to things like jet engines and locomotives. Some of the most powerful IoT use cases are working silently and invisibly, boosting the up time of their companies and improving the performance of their devices and products.

What is IoT Being Used For?

Here are a few IoT apps that are silently changing everything.

Artificial Intelligence in Jet Engines

In 2015, Bombadier showcased its new jetliner. The jet had a Pratt and Whitney turbo fan engine that boasted more than 5 thousand sensors. The engine uses AI to predict the future demands of the engine and adjusts it according to what it believes the engine needs. This engine uses about 15 percent less fuel than the traditional jet engine and has lower emissions as well as less noise. The only down side is that with an industry still reeling from a nearly global DDoS attack wrought by IoT devices, no one is entirely trusting of the IoT jet engine.

The Optimization of the Power Grid.

You’ve probably read about the “Electricity Value Network” in which the use of sensors allows for the entire electrical system to be “viewed.” One shining example of this is the Whitegate Power Plant in Cork, Ireland. There are more than 140 sensors around the plant that offer 24/7 monitoring of the hardware and more — full diagnostics that will make recommendations to the engineers of the plan using data analytics. So far the plant has seen a 2.4 million financial improvement because of the early warnings and improved efficiency of the plant.

IoT Helping to Save the Honeybees

It’s no secret that the honeybees have been dying off and that processes and diseases such as honeybee colony collapse disorder are taking them at an alarming rate. IoT technology is helping beekeepers prevent their demise by using sensors to keep them healthier. In Germany a project manager is using a beehive sale that senses changes in the hive and will send alerts to a computer so that they will know if the bees are having trouble collecting pollen or are having problems with enough food or even if the hive may have tipped over.

These are just a few of the ways that IoT is changing our world. Our next article will cover a few of the ways that IoT is making our lives safer.

About Bill McCabe/ Internet of Things Recruiting — Executive Search/ Retained Search for the Internet of Things/ Machine 2 Machine/ Big Data Markets

Onalytica IOT Top Influencer # 6 Per Onalytica 6/17

Top Industrial IOT Influencer Worldwide Per Right Relevance — March 2017

IBM IOT Futurist — Top 50 IOT Authority on Twitter — Guest contributor to IoT Central, Medium and

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Bill McCabe / SoftNet Search Partners

Internet of Things/Talent Management #iot #internetofthings #iotrecruiting Consulting/ services /Recruiter Interests soccer, cycling, travel, family