Bill St. Clair
2 min readJan 13, 2016


I could fisk Obama’s final (thank God) State of the Union address, but I don’t consider him to be worth that much of my time, so I’ll only cover highlights.

First, I applaud him for the reminder that Islam is not America’s enemy, a handful of vermin who pretend to be Muslim are.

Nearly everything else he said was rooted in his socialist philosophy, his belief in his authority to tell me how to spend my money. His belief in his authority to extort my money through taxation, and use it for what his Congress decides. His belief that he can force employers to pay a minimum wage, even if the work they’re paying for isn’t worth that much.

I want only a few simple things from Obama’s government.

  1. Cut taxes. Preferably to zero. Pay for the first massive cuts by cutting the military budget to at most 10% of its current level. Close foreign bases. End trillion dollar fighter jet development. Return standing army personnel to the private sector. America is not supposed to have a standing army. If Obama were actually a Constitutional scholar, he would know that. Then end the concepts of Welfare, Social Security, and Medicare.
  2. Replace that massive standing army with a proper militia. This means repealing every single federal gun control law, and making a firm commitment to enforcing the Second Amendment on the states. No new “assault weapons” ban. No more Brady Bill. No more 1980s import bans. No more 1968 Gun Control Act. No more National Firearms Act. Fully automatic machine guns, and shoulder-mounted heat-seeking missiles, available through the mail from, legally open-carried (or concealed) on a walk from Manhattan’s village to Columbia University, without an eye batted by anyone who sees it. Not a single scrap of identification shown to anyone, nor a background check, nor any kind of permit or license or permission required.
  3. Realize that we already have a cure for cancer, a cheap cure that will not enrich the pharmaceutical companies. Hemp oil. And all the feds have to do to make it happen is end the war on some drug users by shuttering the FDA, DEA, BATFE, ONDCP, and making all medications available over the counter. The government’s only role in health care should be in prosecuting fraud.

Have you figured out yet that I’m a voluntaryist, a libertarian, an anarchist? That I don’t believe in imposed authority, even if that authority pretends to exist with the consent of the governed by offering a choice of tyrant A or tyrant B every four years?




Bill St. Clair

I write code, play the trombone, wear a kilt, and dance and sing whenever possible.