Is the electric car dying… again?Now one thing needs to be abundantly clear, new electric cars are not going to go the way of the Tasmanian Tiger, American Mastodon, and…Feb 55Feb 55
There are no sonic booms in spaceBoom Supersonic will become obsolete before they deliver their first airplane, a victim of hypersonic flight.Feb 14Feb 14
How Trump can solve the egg crises, but probably won’t.At a time in history when things are going poorly we must begin by looking back in time to what has worked before. That said, every…Jan 271Jan 271
Will you survive Trumpflation?Hank Williams Jr once sang, “a country boy can survive.” Before it all ends we’ll know how many of those “country boys” really can survive…Jan 255Jan 255
Will self-driving cars steal themselves?Self-driving cars are said to be safe, and while usually they are just that, security concerns abound.Jan 24Jan 24
Trump owns America nowIn other words: Trump and the Republicans own and are to blame for everything that goes wrong for the next 4 years.Jan 2120Jan 2120
Why I believe Boom Supersonic will failThat’s right, Blake Scholl has no previous experience building airplanes. Well, maybe paper airplanes.Jan 203Jan 203
While Elon Musk was showing off the competition pushed him out.It may be the Tesla Semi is a good truck but after years of waiting the trucking industry is going electric without it.Jan 227Jan 227
How Many Have Died at the Hands of Zionists?After all, if the Zionists don’t care how many have died at their hands then why should we care?Dec 26, 20248Dec 26, 20248