Amazing and Sometimes Unknown Materials

Unknown to many people these materials offer many advantages over traditional materials including less waste, more strength, carbon reduction, and more, on this, the most comprehensive list of its kind.

Billy Jones


“Besides the many hours of fun, Silly Putty can be used to remove dirt, lint, pet hair, and ink from surfaces, as well as masking when spray painting, and in lapping of lenses and mirrors.”

Ferrofluid on glass, with a magnet underneath, Gregory F. Maxwell, CC BY-SA 3.0

Perhaps you’re looking for materials for a new project, but have no idea where to begin searching. The following is a list of amazing materials you might not know existed along with some of their uses. Some man-made and others naturally occurring, some of these materials have been in production and use for a very long time while others have only recently been discovered. Alphabetical in order, this list is not yet complete and isn’t meant to be a complete description of these materials, but it is the most comprehensive list I’ve found to date even if I have made a few mistakes.

  1. Adhesive Hydrogels (See Hydrogels below) are used in medicine to stop bleeding and close wounds. Made of mostly pure mostly pure biological extracts including collagen, and fibrin, chitosan, alginate, Adhesive Hydrogels can also be…



Billy Jones

I'm just a retired long-haul trucker who exchanged his rig for pen, paper, and keyboard. Read more at