It Is What It Is

It’s the Serenity Prayer, the reason for our existence, and everything we will ever be, all wrapped up in one…

Billy Jones
2 min readNov 21, 2021


Photo by Jonathan Pielmayer on Unsplash

“Jr,” Mable shouted, “what in tarnation did you do to my colander.”

Jr looked up at his mother and replied, “I washed it just like you tol’ me to, Maw.”

“You washed it,” she shouted again, “well how did the holes all get so big?”

“Oh that,” Jr answered, “there was food stuck in the holes that I couldn’t get out so I took Paw’s drill and bored them out.”

“Did you use the biggest drill your paw has?” Mable was getting madder by the minute.

“No Maw,” Jr explained, “Paw has lots of drills bigger than the one I used. Do you want me to drill ’em even bigger?”

“No!” Mable shouted as she walked out on the porch to show Ernest what Jr had done, “Would you look at what your son did to my colander.” By then she was fit to be tied.

“Well,” Ernest laughed, “Looks like he cleaned it up purdy good.”

“I mean the holes,” she roared.

“Looks like he did a good job to me,” Ernest answered in earnest, “He even de-burred the holes so you won’t cut your fingers.”



Billy Jones

I'm just a retired long-haul trucker who exchanged his rig for pen, paper, and keyboard. Read more at