Operation Enduring Digitarti

The story of how one starving poet almost became the sole leader of the literary world with the worst plot you’ll never read.

Billy Jones
2 min readMar 26, 2022


Much of the story has been lost to time, government conspiracies, and coverups but in the hope that others will learn the truth I’m making public everything I know.

Entry 547

Operation Enduring Digitarti was becoming a dismal failure. Our hero was paranoid. It was so bad he considered going AWOL but remembering he was the leader of the free world… I mean asshole in charge of the charge, he realized he had to stay the course no matter what. The time had come for decisions. “General Furnass,” he ordered, “It’s time you took over the poets.”

“Sir, yes Sir!” the general saluted. “Sir, what about the prose, Sir?”

“I’m going to put General Wilkins in charge of the prose.”

“Sir, yes Sir! What is your plan Sir?”

“I’m going to use the reindeer.”

“But Sir, if you use the reindeer the world will hate you.”

“Yes, General, the world may hate me but I’m not the kind of leader that let’s public opinion influence my decisions. The reindeer will tramp the enemy to the ground.”



Billy Jones

I'm just a retired long-haul trucker who exchanged his rig for pen, paper, and keyboard. Read more at http://Wackemall.com