Today in Israel

It would seem they feel as if continuing to do their jobs is getting blood on their hands just as many German workers did during WW2.

Billy Jones


Photo by Emad El Byed on Unsplash

IBM employees are having concerns about their employer's ties with the IDF.

“Some IBM employees who spoke to The Intercept on the condition of anonymity say they were unnerved or upset by their CEO’s remarks, including one who described them as “predictably shameful.” This person said that while some were glad Krishna had even broached the topic of IBM and Israel, “the responses I heard in one-on-one discussions were overwhelmingly dissatisfied or outraged.” Another IBM worker characterized Krishna’s comments as an “excuse for him to hide behind the US government’s choices in a business sense,” adding that “with the track record that IBM has with taking part in genocidal government projects, it certainly doesn’t help his case in any valuable moral way whatsoever.”

It would seem they feel as if continuing to do their jobs is getting blood on their hands just as many German workers did during WW2.

An attack on the border between Israel and Jordan indicates the war may be getting worse for Israelis instead of better. The attack took place on a major highway that is used to transport much needed cargo into Israel.



Billy Jones

I'm just a retired long-haul trucker who exchanged his rig for pen, paper, and keyboard. Read more at