Growing a Positive Mindset

jude ezekiel
2 min readMay 13, 2019


Don’t think I was born with a positive mindset, Well you might think so but I will correct it “I WASN’T”, in short, I wasn’t born with a mindset not to talk of been positive.

This picture shows a lot, reflect on it

I have always had passion for programming at a very tender age but always thought programmers were born, I even googled about what it takes to be a programmer and believe you me, I was convinced that programmers were born because of what I saw on this sites. I later made up my mind and decided to take the bull by its horn and learn to programme, I had no sense of direction so I jumped from one language to another. I really wasted a lot of time then as usual the thought came again that i wasn’t born a programmer.

Now enough about how I started off with a fixed mindset, this was how I started growing a positive mindset. I saw something I want to share,

“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

I have always read about Mark Zuckerberg and loved him and even would love to be like him but I thought it was impossible because of his location, nationality etc.

After reading that quote I told myself if ‘Mark’ could do it then I can and I will. I searched rigorously for a mentor, Wow men I searched, some I met just told me to go to school, I didn’t give up, I told my self the above word. I finally found someone, He changed my view about life and programming in general. I heard about Andela, at first, I felt I can’t get through into andela because of what I heard but I told myself if people in Andela could do it then I can. Then I came across the home study curriculum Omen was I glad, finally a sense of direction.

So really after a little about my experience with growth and fixed mindset, this is how I feel you could grow yours(Mindset) positively.

  • Look for a good Mentor
  • Ask questions
  • Seek feedback continuously
  • Just do it
  • Apply for andela

Let me leave you with this word.

“you can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.”
Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

